Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Record Breaking.

November 2011 has seen this website receive its highest number of 'hits' since it began in May 2006. To regular readers - thankyou.
Please pass the url below on to all those who will appreciate it. Thanks again.

Shock Solution To HIV Discovered!

'One lifetime partner ..... no sexually transmitted diseases. Full stop.'

Anthony Browne.

On Conservative Home, Anthony Browne writes, “If the EU really do push [a financial transactions tax]…then it could prove the trigger that pushes the UK's withdrawal from the EU.”  Just one slight problem. As far as I am aware Mr Browne is not a signatory to the Better Off Out Campaign.

Prof. Ragnar Löfstedt.

Government study finds that a minority of EU health and safety regulations impose “unnecessary costs” on British business.
A Government study has concluded that a minority of EU health and safety laws are imposing “unnecessary costs” on British businesses “without obvious benefits,” reports the Telegraph. The report, produced by Prof. Ragnar Löfstedt of King’s College London, found that almost two-thirds of new health and safety regulations introduced between 1997 and 2009 originated in the EU, with EU Directives accounting for 94% of the cost of UK health and safety regulations introduced between 1998 and 2009.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sex Ed' - How It Should Be Done.

Yesterday I completed a three lesson cluster which dealt with sex education which I have taught - I think pretty well - for a considerable number of years.
The group was a combination of ten and eleven year old boys and girls.
With assaults on children far from uncommon and tales of pregnant 8/9 year olds, such things led us as a school to take this teaching to groups as young as this one. ' Below this we are not prepared to go as this is the first age where we feel there is sufficient maturity.
Unfortunately, we have to contend with all the 'poison' which has already been 'dripped into' young minds from the sick society we inhabit.
The group had learned about the technicalities' in a science lesson a week or so earlier.
The first lesson was general information - pitched in a reasonably light tone and finished with a Q&A session where I promised to answer any question put to me - which I did. Clearly, all children were delighted to have a true understanding of things of which they had had only a partial understanding previously.
This lesson was underpinned with the fact that as a Christian School we teach that 'sex is for within marriage only - but we recognise that this ideal is not always met'. It is absolutely wrong to embarrass children because of the relationships of their parents.
Lesson two looked at contraception and the Christian theme was repeated.
Lesson three looked at STDs and the Christian theme was repeated.
I am fully convinced that every child was completely satisfied with what they had received.
Our children cannot be sheltered from society - but they can be fairly and properly educated without 'condom-rolling on carrots' and amoral teaching.
Incidentally, in the many years I have done this teaching - if we remove the one girl who claimed that 'it had never happened' (????) I have had a single complaint from a Christian parent. The congratulations I have had probably run into hundreds!

One Million+ In Youth Unemployment?

I opposed the minimum wage when first introduced, as I felt that it would prove a 'drag' on future employment levels but subsequently I thought that we might have just about got away with it.
Clearly - we have not got away with it at all.
Please do not tell me that it is a 'fairer system' because I would happily agree with you - in theory, at least. It is however, the practice which really matters.
Immigrant workers - the bulk of whom are illegals - are taking low grade jobs, undercutting the genuine firms who obey the rules with extremely low hourly rates - right up to the point where these go under.
Secondly, the levels of the minimum wage for youngsters are far too high. In many skilled jobs, their usefulness is limited. This used to be addressed under the old system where small, skilled traders were unafraid to take on low paid apprentices as gophers and bag carriers as they gradually learned the trade to a high standard.
It is tragic that leftists should see this as 'a capitalist plot to grind down the working class'. They are so seldom able to see the larger picture.
Equally tragic, is that we have educated so many youngsters into the belief that 'the world owes them a living'.

Joey Barton.

Many thanks are due to controversial footballer Joey Barton for his incredibly helpful and remarkably compassionate remarks regarding Gary Speed's tragic suicide which he has apparently described as 'a selfish act'.

Not Ashamed?

Not Ashamed - Join us in London on 1st December!

On Thursday 1st December, Not Ashamed supporters will be meeting outside St Paul's Cathedral in London:

At 3pm: to distribute copies of Lord Carey's I'm Not Ashamed leaflet and to pray and speak about Jesus, the true hope for our nation.

At 7pm: to join with other Christians to pray for our nation for an hour from 7.14pm.
Let's stand together and speak up for Jesus Christ - the only real hope for our nation - this Advent.
  • Join with thousands of Christians across the UK in wearing a symbol of the cross on the1st December and continuing into Advent. Visit the 'Not Ashamed' Shop.

Cameron's Big Society needs Christian values behind it, says Blond.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Depression is a truly terrible ailment and so many people are so very good at hiding it from those around them.
The tragic death of Gary Speed has reminded me of that sharp-edged song, Richard Cory, by Simon & Garfunkel - a man who seemingly had it all yet took his own life. The only difference appears to be that Mr Speed, The Wales manager was a much more endearing individual.

Faith Is The Answer To Society's Ills.

Now Canada Attacks Christianity!

Quebec to ban prayer in home-based daycares.
'Nearly a year after the Quebec government banned religion from the province’s subsidized daycares, they have signaled that they will extend the directive into daycares run in private homes' - reports

The Myth Of Orgreave.

I have recently discovered several things recently in written articles and the annals of folk music about the 'gallant miners' during the strike of 1984. The Police - of course - were the real bad guys in that confrontation - indeed they were tools of the wicked Margaret Thatcher who clearly could not have been a PM elected by tired voters to prevent a recurrence of the abuses of democracy under Scargill and Gormley a decade earlier.
These miners were apparently not disposable cannon fodder led 'over the top' by the same Arthur Scargill who had no political agenda whatsoever and only cared for the needs of the workforce!
Naturally enough - without any hint of provocation the police mounted vicious baton charges, one after another.
The only problem here is that it is a proper load of old donkey droppings! How do I know? - I was there at one point! My house is no more than a mile from where the major ructions were taking place and so I walked down to see what was going on.
All that I can report is what I saw with my own eyes. The Police were massively disciplined under the kind of provocation that I could not believe would have been tolerated in any other nation under the sun. The pickets I saw were throwing anything not nailed down, screaming abuse, adopting aggressive postures at best, and at worst, actually attacking the Police.
Leftist propaganda should never be believed - particularly where 'working class heroes' are concerned, apparently.

Surely A Precursor To An Application To Join The EU Which Will Then Be Taken Very Seriously In Brussels.

     'Some members of the Iranian parliament chanted "death to Britain".

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Not A Rumour.

MITK has discovered that later today, a national poll will be published showing UKIP on 11%.
     Mole-In-The-Know brings you Sunday's news, early on Sunday!

The Drugs War - Latest Results Now In.

Drugs 3 - Wet Politicians 0.
Singapore 7 - Drug dealers 0.

Peter Hitchens.

'Nearly 30,000 habitual criminals were let off last year with cautions, after they had returned to crime.
The prisons are bursting because hundreds of thousands of people who were once afraid of the law now laugh.'
Peter Hitchens.

'Global Warming' - Er, I Mean Climate Change - Is Losing Supporters By The Bucketload!

Steve Hilton, The Prime Minister’s director of strategy and ‘green guru’, is the latest person to admit to doubts about climate change."I’m not sure I believe in it," he announced at a meeting of the Energy Department, prompting one aide to blurt out: "Did I just hear that correctly?"
Read more:

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Climategate Scams.

When The Left Had Destroyed Most Grammar Schools - They Did Not Stop!

'As for the last Labour government, what passed for its education policy was, in fact, a cynical attempt to bring bright children from hard-working families down to the level of unambitious children from disadvantaged ones, rather than the other way round.' Simon Heffer.
And of course, that is just Labour. What have the Tories done to reverse this?
Did P.M. Heath not follow through with the previous Labour government's plan to destroy countless excellent grammar schools?
Did Margaret Thatcher attempt to reverse the trend?
Major? - Hah!
Why does Cameron so hate the grammars? - Coz he is just one more liberal leftie with a public school education. 'Pull the ladder up behind me!'
(For the benefit of non-British readers a grammar school was based on a belief in meritocracy. Public schools are VERY expensive private schools.)
The irony of course, is that it was Labour who were largely behind the institution of free access grammars and Labour who turned agin 'em when they succeeded in helping working class children like me; like my wife; like virtually all of my oldest friends.

THIS is Sex-Ed? - Little Wonder Our Nation Is In Trouble!

He Is Not Wrong.

'Father Gabriel Amorth has carried out more than 70,000 exorcisms in his capacity as Chief Exorcist at the Vatican.
The 85-year-old can boast 25 years in the post after being appointed by the late Pope John Paul II.
At a conference today, he surprised the delegates by revealing some of his greatest dislikes - yoga and Harry Potter.
Father Amorth, a colourful and often outspoken personality, said: 'Practising yoga brings evil as does reading Harry Potter. They may both seem innocuous but they both deal with magic and that leads to evil.'
If we stay away from all forms of the occult it will stay away from us. There is nothing in these directions which can be classed as 'occult-lite'.
Read more:

Shock! Horror For All Good Yorkshiremen!

On Ilkla Moor Baht‘At  - the tune is not a folk melody but a hymn tune composed in 1805 by one T Clarke. It gets worse. He was a southerner!
PS. I'm a Yellow Belly - and proud! Oh, tis my delight on a shining night ....

Folly Is Not Faith.

Six Deaths After Evangelical Pastors Claim To 'Cure' HIV Through God »

Huffington Post UK. At least six people have died from HIV after being told by evangelical pastors they were "cured" and could stop taking their medication, Sky News is reporting. There is evidence churches in four of the UK's biggest cities, including London, are claiming to be able to cure HIV through God.

Which arrogant person dare claim that every prayer that they put before God will receive 'YES' for an answer?
Do they not recognise the fact that God may say 'NO'?
Can God cure HIV? - Indubitably!
Presumption however, is not the same as faith and gives the praying church a bad name as well as delighting our many enemies who are now able more easily to purvey their misrepresentations about God's people.


On The Up & Up!
In a YouGov Poll yesterday, UKIP was shown as being on 8%. At roughly the same point in the last parliament it was on just 1% in similar polls.
The party is still having to contend with the old FPTP problem of claims that 'A UKIP vote is a wasted vote.'
The more people know about Farage & co - the more voters will want to come in our direction. With exceptions in extremely few cases, UKIP is capturing the public mood with its full range of policies.
The'wasted vote' argument is now coming solely from enemies. The electorate is grasping that within the LibLabCon there is precious little difference in policy and votes cast are simply going to personalities.
If you want an alternative to these losers, voting BNP is a vote for an extreme rightwing, socialist movement - and a declining one at that.
A vote for the Greens is - as near as makes no difference - a marxist vote with 'added loopiness'.
Please start voting UKIP; encourage family and friends to do the same; vote for every available UKIP candidate in all circumstances with the single exception of B.O.O. candidates; keep voting UKIP; do not get drawn into side issues; stay strong and determined.
Change will not come quickly or easily but come it will. Under PR, UKIP can reasonably be expected to win the EU elections in 2014! Tell folks this fact!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Shame, Shame, SHAME On Our Injustice System!

Yesterday Adrian Beevers was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum recommendation of 16 years to be served. Another man faced a lesser charge.
This sick thug spent around an hour torturing another human being to death on a whim.
Shame on Judge Roger Keen QC at Sheffield Crown Court! Shame on the Crown Court System and particularly, SHAME on our politicians for allowing such trivial punishment in comparison to the offence committed! And what are the odds that he serves nowhere near the sixteen years?  (Source: Sheffield Star.)

The Pyrenees. To God Be The Glory Great Things He Has Done!


'The family of an evangelist shot dead in Karachi say they believe he was killed for his faith.
According to Release's partner Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan (SLMP), the family is reluctant to pursue the case with police because of fears for their own safety.
 Jameel Saawan was killed by an unidentified gunman as he opened up his cosmetics shop in the Gulshan-e-Iqbal of the city's commercial district on the morning of November 16. The gunman fled on a waiting motorbike.'
(Release International.)


Angela Merkel.

She was brought up in E. Germany under the jesuitical political indoctrination and brainwashing of a true communist state.
Now the freedoms we all take for granted and the capitalism which helped bring these about are under threat. Who is 'the saviour-in-waiting'?
Hmm. Just looking at her history alone - are you not just a tad perturbed and concerned? Do you not just wonder sometimes .... ?
Me too.

One After Another - Scientists Are Backtracking On Global Warming - Sorry I Meant 'Climate Change'.

Apocalyptic predictions about climate change are likely to be wrong, a study says.
According to experts, the results of their findings 'imply less probability of extreme climate change than previously thought'
The scientists who produced it say that dire forecasts that a doubling of carbon dioxide from pre-industrial levels would cause rises in temperature of as much as 10c are unlikely.
Instead, the maximum increase is likely to be no more than 2.6c,  they added, and the best guess 2.3c.
 Writing in the journal Science, Andreas Schmittner of Oregon State University said he and colleagues studied how changes in carbon dioxide levels during the last ice age affected temperature.
This allowed them to extrapolate how today’s temperature will rise with carbon dioxide.'
Read more:

10 Reasons.

Prime Minister David Cameron has classed himself as a Eurosceptic.
Here are 10 reasons why he is not a Eurosceptic:
He reneged on cast iron guarantee to hold EU treaty referendum.
Changed Tory fisheries policy, and no longer calls for repatriation of UK territorial waters.
Supported EU regulation of the City of London.
Supports entry of Turkey to the EU – encouraging mass immigration.
Supported creation of the EU External Action Service.
Failed to reduce EU budget / allows increase despite promises.
Supports the creation of eurozone core which would leave the UK in a permanent minority position.
Prepared to have 40 billion pounds UK money go via the IMF to the eurozone bailout.
Forced three line whip on EU referendum debate in the Commons.
Rolled over to agency worker directive and other EU laws which harm UK business and jobs.
Proof indeed, I think.
Godfrey Bloom, UKIP MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, Yorkshire Post.

Ah. Maybe Turkey's 'Not Voting For Christmas'.

Turkey's former ambassador to the EU has described it as a spent force in
world affairs, amid general acceptance EU-Turkey accession talks are going
             Spot on. So now withdraw your application to join!   

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Life As A Turkey.

Seldom have I been quite so enthralled by a television programme as with Joe Hutto's fascinating My Life As A Turkey.
Never have I felt so strongly the impossibility of the evolutionary hypothesis.
I have never really needed a belief in Creation for my faith although I do possess that joy but have long been well aware of the massive number of scientific arguments against the exaggerations of evolutionists.
This programme made me feel the reality! Here is a biologist who got so close to these birds he could even communicate linguistically with them and who could understand their feelings but how tragic that he seemingly attributed so many things which had clearly been God-given to the evolutionary process.
Take just a single example of something which had always struck me on a minor level.
These wild turkeys were born with an inbuilt intelligence. Stop and think about that. You could hardly make that claim for a human baby, could you?
They were born 'able to talk'; to know the difference between which foods were edible and which were not; to know precisely how to deal with - on the one hand, a rattlesnake - and on the other with a snake that was non- venomous. There was a multiplicity of such examples of behaviour which was part of their genetic makeup. The behaviour was not acquired and it is clearly impossible that a piece of learned behaviour - which is in fact nothing other than a form of thought - could have been transferred into the genes of wild turkeys thousands of generations ago.
At this point the evolutionist will usually assert most scientifically - "Well, it must have happened - mustn't it?"
Dear Evolutionist,
I am afraid that whatever contortions you perform with dubious logic - there is no possibility that 'natural selection' has brought this about. To emphasise and complete the point, these turkeys did many things which were for they themselves and had no possibility of being either survival mechanisms or part of a process of natural selection.
Sorry, but I think that I'll just get back to giving God all the Glory and will direct you to Romans Chapter 1.


Making Chastity Sexy: The Rhetoric of Evangelical Abstinence Campaigns
University of California Press, 2011
264 pp., $24.33
Evangelical abstinence campaigns have shifted their emphasis from "just say no" to sex before marriage - to "just say yes"—within marriage, that is, says Christine Gardner. In Making Chastity Sexy (University of California Press), the Wheaton College communications professor examines the rhetoric of three evangelical abstinence organizations, comparing them with an abstinence campaign in sub-Saharan Africa, where HIV/AIDS is a common threat. (Christianity Today.)

Every Opportunity For A Power Grab.

'Brussels pushes for radical shift in budget powers away from parliaments.'

Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programme Fails.

Read the letter below. This is what was sent by a 16 year old burglar as 'an apology' to his victims. (Fortunately - it was spotted and never actually sent.)
Apparently the ISSP is 'second only to custody in its severity'. Ha!
I repeat for the umpteenth time - you can only use disposals designed to rehabilitate on those who show evidence of desiring to change. In all other cases they are utterly worthless.
Punishment of great severity MUST return to the system in order to promote fear in such as he! Fear in society is not wrong. Spongers and criminals should be afraid. It is a concept they would grasp when they grasp no others!

Cameron To Fail - Again.

Oh, no he won't! But his administration will 'wield the big stick' in a willy-nilly fashion which will result in 'some wheat being rooted out alongside the many tares'.
He does however, have a modicum of sympathy from me as this irredeemable situation arose from the cynical actions of two former PMs - Major followed by Blair.

Price At The Pumps.

This beautifully reasoned letter in the Yorkshire Post was perhaps too long to include, hence my decision only to include the url. Well, if petrol prices concern you  ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Now Do People Grasp Why UKIP Attacks Brussels Bureaucrats?

'EU staff unions have reiterated their threat to go on strike after negotiations with the European Commission failed to produce an agreement on pay and pensions.'
I try not to swear - but this is just UNBELIEVABLE!

Talking Dog. BRILLIANT! - Bacon Anyone?


Adultery, Anyone?

Research showed 21.5% of the 600,000 members on an extra-marital dating site were Catholic - a high figure since they make up only 10% of the UK population.
(Methodists and C of E do CONSIDERABLY better.) Why no figures on evangelicals, I wonder?

Ken Clarke - Laughing Stock, Yes. Funny - No!

£2 billion owed by criminals in unpaid fines and confiscation orders?
Nice one, Ken!

The Dead Sea Scrolls.

I shall not publish the link in today's Mail because this must really be one of the laziest pieces of journalism I have ever seen! The Mail is much criticised - almost exclusively by lefties - and this is unmerited.
Today's piece does their reputation no end of harm, however. Even copying a chunk of Wikipedia would have led to greater accuracy - but certainly not news! - And this was NOT news.

The Global Warming Scam Being Uncovered Bit By Bit.

You MUST Have The Net.

'Millions are getting a worse deal simply because they don't have access to the internet.' (Mail.)
Please help older folks to get online and give them support when they get puzzled! Not being online adds vastly to their cost of living - particularly where utilities comparisons are concerned.
Many of them will increasingly need to do their grocery shopping online too.

Industrial Tribunals To Be Checked?

'Emergency measures to kick-start Britain’s faltering economic recovery by reining in a £1billion-a-year employment tribunal bonanza will be unveiled today.
After a row in the Coalition over how far to go in slashing business red tape, Vince Cable will pledge to cut the number of tribunal claims hitting firms by at least a quarter.
The Business Secretary will also say ministers will make it easier for firms to sack large numbers of workers in one go and allow bosses to read the riot act to under-performing staff without fear of being sued.'
I do hope that this is properly implemented. Potentially it is an excellent move - but we really do not want it to be hitting genuine claimants.
My suggestion that claimants should have to prove their case rather than employers prove their innocence would have been a far more effective step.

Foreign Aid?

Provided that the massive sums we give in foreign aid are properly targeted - this is one budget I do not want to see cut even though we are pretty much the highest aid donor in  the world.

Okay. So Who Are the 17%? - Why Have They Got a Different Bible To Me.

A new poll by ComRes has found that a massive 83% of church-going Christians in the UK are opposed to plans by the Conservative Party to legalise homosexual marriage, and 57% of all respondents are ‘less likely to vote’ for the party because of this move.
What I want to know is - Just who are the 17%?

Something For Me To Look Forward To.

      New Lenny Cohen album in January.
Yes - I do know that the man is one giant spiritual mess but I love: (most of) his lyrics, the fact that he is a great tunesmith and that he 'understands folk' - in every meaning of the phrase. A genuine poet!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Never Forget.

Scottish Churches Standing Firm?

Photo via

Evangelical church leaders speak out on marriage issue in Scotland.

Following a ‘postcard campaign’ by the Catholic church in Scotland, evangelical church leaders have followed suit by making the Scottish Government aware that they strongly oppose any move to bring in full homosexual ‘marriage’, reports Christian Concern for our Nation.Over 70 leaders signed a joint letter which was sent to First Minister Alex Salmond, urging him to maintain the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.

Dead. And For What?


Tarzan Is Back .... With a Whimper!

(For 'grandee' read 'tory wet'!)
A full LoonyTunesWatch Alert is now in operation!

Well ... Accidents Happen.

 ..... Just don't tell the 'no-win-no-fee' lawyers!

Rapidly Kills Off Bowel Cancer? - Pray For Its Success and Release.

Monday, November 21, 2011

John Major.

Saturday’s Guardian reported that Sir John Major has described proposals for an EU-wide financial transaction tax as a “heat-seeking missile proposed in continental Europe aimed at the City of London.”
Huh. Incomplete! What this leftist rag should have written was 'loopy, sellout merchant John Major' .... Much of today's damage from the EU comes directly from Major's catastrophic handling of the Maastricht Treaty.
I wonder if he is starting to recognise how disastrous his policies actually were? - No, silly me - Europhiles are never wrong.
The only positive to be found in Major is his love of cricket. (For those who hadn't spotted it - that is actually an insufficient qualification to have once been PM.)

Delia Smith.

Delia Smith, has stated that she 'would like to switch the nation on to spirituality in the same way she has done with cooking.'

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...