Monday, November 07, 2011

Luke Smith.

I have the God-granted opportunity and privilege to have my short 'sermonettes' go onto Exite FM Radio. (Available online on The Phil Croft Show early on Sunday evenings.)
Every one of them contains a Christian message - this oh-so-valuable time is never wasted.
How disappointing that Hull's 'top Methodist', Luke Smith, came onto the Radio Humberside 'God slot' this morning to talk about having been visiting an elderly person who made him a coffee - which was really gravy powder, sugar and milk. I awaited the spiritual denouement with breath bated. Nothing!
WHAT A WASTE! Christians get few enough chances. There was no spiritual message whatsoever. If he is on five times this week - he must surely preach on every occasion. There is no point whatsoever in building up to a 'big finish' on Friday - if that is what he  intends - the body of listeners will not have remained unchanged throughout the week. So how many will have missed out, I wonder?

Elephantine Tragedies.