Monday, April 30, 2012

The Epistle To The Church At Ephesus.

Airey Neave: The Legacy And An Historical Perspective.

Jesus - A Monopoly On Salvation.

The Crusades.

Why do you suppose that in recent times there has been so much concentration on certain historical events a full  millenium ago?
We have an example of muslims attacked in force by 'christian' armies - that's why!
Such actions since are hard to find!
The Crusades are simply meant to divert our attention away from extremist muslim atrocities in the here and now. Consider the number of Islamic countries which persecute Christians TODAY. It is certainly a significant majority.

Remind Me, Mr Cameron, What Did UKIP Predict About The Euro?

David Cameron raised the spectre of the collapse of the euro and years more economic turmoil yesterday as he confronted his deepest political crisis since entering Downing Street.
The Prime Minister warned the debt crisis across the Continent was not even halfway through, blaming the EU's woes for Britain's double dip recession.
With support for the Conservatives at its lowest ebb since 2004, just days before crucial London mayoral and local council elections, Mr Cameron promised to 'strain every sinew' to prompt economic growth.
  Read more:

Top Judge!

Britons have an addiction to divorce fuelled by a 'Hello! magazine' attitude to marriage, a top judge has warned.
Sir Paul Coleridge said family breakdown was 'one of the most destructive scourges of our time'.
Citing growing evidence of harm to a generation of children, he said youngsters whose parents separated saw their educational achievements and job prospects damaged.
In a highly unusual move for a serving judge, Sir Paul will tomorrow launch a campaign – backed by senior legal figures and Church leaders – to promote marriage.
There was 'incontrovertible' proof that married couples were more likely to stay together, he said.
  Read more:

Abortion: Insult To Injury?

BBC to air radio show live from abortion clinic.
The BBC has received strong criticism after revealing controversial plans to air a live radio show from an abortion clinic next month.
(Christian Concern.)

Tory Dirty Tricks Against UKIP?

Damian Thompson in The Telegraph recently made a very subtle attack on UKIP. He quoted the embittered Alan Sked who has absurdly attempted to make links in ideas between UKIP and the BNP - then 'very honestly' REJECTS them as being wrong. SO WHY SAY IT?
He tried to attack UKIP as having few grassroots - and again - he was perfectly correct! But what can you expect from a relatively new party?
He then went onto say how hard UKIP has to work 'to keep the loonies out' - as is always necessary in new political movements. Yet, he cannot deny their success in so doing!
I must assume that our Damian was trying to cleverly undermine [split infinitive acknowledged] without ever abusing the truth.
It is all about juxtaposition, innit?

Democracy In Ireland.

The ‘Yes’ campaign for the referendum on the fiscal pact in Ireland is apparently faltering as the Irish trade union movement said it would not support the treaty. (FT)
I suggest that they Irish should vote 'yes' for the sake of simplicity.
On the last two occasions they have had a referendum, they have been made to keep on voting until they got a result which Brussels was prepared to accept.

Atheism: A Fact With Which Nobody Can Disagree.

Yesterday's Polls.

At least one poll yesterday had UKIP on 10% support.
No. That would not mean a breakthrough in terms of council seats in an FPTP election - but that support shows the desperation of an electorate seeking an alternative.
"Oh. You mean that you'd have to be desperate to vote UKIP?" - If you must. - I certainly am!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why On Earth Is This Bird Called 'The Cardinal'?

Greenpeace Co-Founder Exposes Green Marxist Takeover.


'All cruelty springs from weakness.'
Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

Oprah: I Have Long Prayed For This. Hope It's For Real!

'Oprah Winfrey, appearing in New York City during the Monday broadcast of her "Lifeclass," professed to being a Christian twice during her introduction, which one publication took as evidence of her confession in Christ. The Black Christian News Network suggested that Winfrey was a "secret follower" of Jesus and those critical of Winfrey's confession were akin to Pharisees.' 'By her fruits we shall know her.'
(Christian Post.)

So. Should We Rate Our Only Assassinated Prime Minister?
We should of course, be most grateful that in perishing, he was not elevated to sainthood levels
à la Kennedy.

Eurozone Woes.

I have resisted the temptation to indulge in a little schadenfreude over the problems in the Eurozone - partly because I am nice and partly because their follies always seem to end up being part-funded by ME - and 62 million others on these islands!
I just cannot resist a giant 'TOLD-YOU-SO', however.

Paintings: 10 Best In Britain?
I'm sure I could have made a better selection but where the writer, Tim Marlow, is spot on is Diego Velázquez's masteriece:

I adore it!

Choice: Brand OR Peter Hitchens?

Here’s how to influence Government policy: Make a career out of being coarse and crude; take illegal drugs, moan that it wasn’t your fault and demand sympathy for your selfish crime; get some tattoos.
Next, wear a cowboy hat and rip a lot of holes in your shirt (an aide can rip them for you if you’re too busy).
Then saunter into a Parliamentary Committee and casually mock its members, while saying nothing of interest or importance.
The MPs will pay you slavish attention, and the media – especially those bits of it who claim to be uninterested in celebrity – will give you a huge platform.
I sat behind the alleged comedian Russell Brand on Tuesday as he was giving his ‘evidence’ to the Home Affairs Select Committee. I was on next and, unlike him, I had something new and important to say.
I have spent the past 18 months researching and writing a book (out later this year) on the unofficial but near-total legalisation of drugs in Britain since 1971.
  Read more:

BBC Weather - RUBBISH!

For FOUR days I monitored online BBC Weather for what would happen in Scunthorpe last Saturday. I also read it on the relevant Saturday morning.
Each time it predicted 'cloud but no rain'.
Care to guess what weather occurred?
(Isn't there something in the OT about 'false prophets needing to be put to death'?)
Downpours today? - They got that right, at least!

Backtracking Tories Yield To Public Outrage.

The Mail on Sunday has been told that Chief Whip Patrick McLoughlin has privately assured anxious Tory backbenchers that the Prime Minister's same-sex marriage plan will 'not come to a vote'.

Bible Help.

Explaining Ruth.

Brussels? - Tell 'Em To 'Tek A Runnin' Jump'!

'The EU flag MUST fly over Whitehall daily' - selon Bruxelles.

Leftist Thinking Is A Non Sequitur.

'Extreme rightwing parties oppose immigration ergo anybody who opposes immigration must be an extreme rightwinger!'

EU - MASSIVE Eurocrat Job Cuts In Swingeing Austerity Drive!

The European Commission's 2013 draft budget; Just 6 out of 41,000 EU jobs cut in Commission 'austerity drive' !! (Open Europe.)

Afghastlystan - Leave NOW!

Afghanistan Soldier Dies
British Soldier Killed, Father Of Twins, Michael Roland.
British soldier Michael Roland has been killed in Afghanistan.
A British soldier shot dead in Afghanistan has been named as Michael Roland, a father of twins from Worthing, Sussex.
He had been in Afghanistan for less than four weeks when he was shot during a patrol in the Nahr-e-Saraj North District of Helmand Province on Friday. (H.Post)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Don't Delay - Get 'Right With God'.

Tackling Persecution Of Believers.

By Katherine Weber , Christian Post Reporter
April 26, 2012|5:00 pm.
In response to the persecution faced by Christians around the world, Dr. Carl Moeller, president and CEO of human rights watchdog Open Doors USA, will join a panel discussion in May to address the issues faced by Christians in religiously intolerant countries, as well as seek possible solutions.
Members of the panel, which will be held at the National Press Club on May 3 in Washington, D.C., include Nina Shea of the Hudson Institute, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, director of Interfaith Affairs for the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
"The Christians in the Middle East have become the new Jews of our times. We call on all people of faith, and all Americans, to speak up for the embattled Christians in the Middle East and Africa, and against the disturbing pattern of violence against other faiths and places of worship," Alderstein said in a press release issued by Open Doors USA.



I recently listened to the RadioBallads by John Tams & JulieMatthews which looked at steelmaking in Sheffield - naturally, from a leftwing perspective.
The album clearly blamed Margaret Hilda Thatcher for the steel strike and the decline in manufacturing.
I worked on Scunthorpe Steelworks in The Appleby-Frodingham Rod & Bar Mill back in 1970 and so I know whereof I speak - from closeup, personal experience. Moneywasting was legion.
I was not surprised that governments could not afford to massively subsidise this ad infinitum.
By TACKLING the problems - Maggie Thatcher SAVED steel in the UK. She is given NO credit. Without her tactics NOTHING would have survived the 'dumping' from our EEC 'friends' and derisory labour costs in the Far East.
Margaret Thatcher may have got a lot wrong but Steel was NOT one of 'em!

Anti-Depressants, Depress.

'Common anti-depressants could be doing patients more harm than good, according to researchers examined the impact of the medications on the whole body.
A team from McMaster University examined previous patient studies into the effects of anti-depressants and determined that the benefits of most anti-depressants compare poorly to the risks, which include premature death in elderly patients.'
Read more:

Industrial Tribunals Add To Unemployment.

This Blog has previously criticised Industrial Tribunals for effectively assuming an employer's guilt which has had the terrible effect that many large organisations simply 'pay up' in order to make these appalling examples of injustice go away.
Whatever happened to presumptions of innocence, I wonder?
The knock-on effects are inevitable. Many employers - particularly at the smaller end of the market - are going to be extremely careful before employing anybody as mistakes can be disastrous to rectify under the current system.
Nobody wants to see people unfairly victimised in the workplace but this system STINKS!

Surely Official Figures On MPG Should Be Trustworthy But ...

Hagen AGAIN? - Reach For A Coconut!

Judge Carol HagenSoft-touch judge who FAILED to jail burglar who went on to break into another 22 properties now CUTS his sentence

Judge Carol Hagen (pictured) finally jailed Jason Reed for six years at Bristol Crown Court earlier this month, but just weeks on slashed his term by a year after praising his 'co-operation' with the police.
I warrant that this creep's victims will have been delighted to hear of his post ex facto cooperation.
To this truly wretched judge - her second LoonyTunesWatch Coconut. (The first person or institution on this Blog ever to earn a 'double award'!)

Seminars Have Varied Content.


Sorry. My interest is strictly limited.

Cannabis In Holland Attracts 'Drug Tourists'.


Clampdown on cannabis cafes as Holland makes it harder for foreign tourists to buy the drug

The law reverses 40 years of liberal drugs policies in the Netherlands targeting many the many foreigners who see the country as a soft drugs paradise.
NOT BEFORE TIME. They have long known that this stuff has acted as a 'gateway drug'. Thin end of the wedge - hopefully?

Commandments Are Not Too Difficult To Grasp.

OFSTED Loonies.

I too have seen OFSTED at their worst. They put teachers into narrow little boxes of their own making in the name of conformity.

Friday, April 27, 2012

China Aid Warning. Prayer Needed.

Apr 23 2012.
A Release partner is warning that China has begun a new campaign aimed at eradicating house churches within ten years.
In September last year, China Aid says a secret document was issued by the Chinese authorities aimed at 'completely eradicating house churches' in three phases.
The first phase, from January to June 2012, was to investigate house churches and create files on them. The second phase, to take place within three years, was to 'clean up' those churches. The third phase, due for completion within ten years, was to 'completely wipe out the house churches'.
According to China Aid, the clampdown can be traced back to December 2010, when the Communist Party Central Committee launched 'Operation Deterrence'.
Government officials were told to 'guide' Christians attending unregistered churches to worship instead in government-approved Three-Self churches.
At the same time, they were to break up larger churches, such as Shouwang Church in Beijing, into smaller groups. Shouwang has been forced to hold services in the open-air since Easter 2011, and worshippers face surveillance and arrest.
China Aid notes an increase in persecution against the house churches since the start of the year. It also reports a crackdown on Christian education materials and bookstores.

(Source: China Aid)
• Pray for protection for China's house churches, and for God's blessing as they continue to spread the truth of the gospel.
• Please pray also for Shouwang Church in Beijing, whose members faithfully meet outside in all weathers, under surveillance and at risk of arrest. Ask that God would embolden and protect them.

Not much has changed in new, capitalist China!

Law & Order - SVU.

The series of Law And Order has been of exceptional quality over years - in whichever form it has appeared.
Tragically, that has still not prevented it from becoming a (heavy goods) vehicle - particularly in more recent episodes - for political correctness.
Its heavy bias towards any and all homosexual propaganda has been disturbing; its pro-abortion attitudes have never been too far below the surface; on far too many occasions it has been oh-so willing to portray Christians as hypocrites or loonies.
It is truly amazing that so many 'police officers' should be so steeped in political correctness that it exudes from every pore.

No Matter. It Is Easily Affordable With Our Super-Strong Economy.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung cites Open Europe’s figures showing that the ECB’s exposure to the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece & Spain) now tops €917bn, an increase of 106% from a year ago. The article notes that €703bn of that exposure is in lending to banks in these struggling countries. (Open Europe.)

Green's REAL Agenda. (Australia.)


Who? No - Stones! Awww - Cute!

Almighty Google? - Hardly! It Still Thinks The Answer is 42!

History Examinations.

Bad news: Professor Robert Tombs, a history fellow at St John¿s College, Cambridge, said it was ¿difficult to name¿ a European country that taught the subject so poorlyOur history lessons are 'worst in West': Failing curriculum needs overhaul, says academic (Mail)

Youngsters are taught a ‘miscellany of disconnected fragments’ and examined on barely anything before 1870, Professor Robert Tombs claimed, missing out on vast swathes of British, European and world history.

25 Years Of Government Energy Policy?

Star Trek - The Fallacy.

Last night I watched an old Star Trek episode and it struck me very hard how spurious is the main premise of that series.
There is an inbuilt belief in 'the fact' that mankind will have moved forward over the coming few hundred years. Technologically of course, that would be inevitable.
But will Man really have banished: greed, war, want, crime and even - simple pettiness?
Of course - that is absurd, as are all optimistic views of mankind as a species. It goes against Scriptural teaching on the 'fallen nature of man' so is doomed to ultimate failure.
Our current  left-created society is clearly going in a totally different direction. In the early sixties we were considerably closer to 'a better mankind' than we are today. We are regressing!
If I am wrong, why then do we seldom hear words like 'decency or duty' any more? 'Obligations', 'doing the right thing', 'morality' - why are these mocked by leftist politicians, commentators and even comedians?
We have seen on this Blog how theft and mendacity are on the increase should more tangible proofs be needed.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sarkozy: Too Little, Too Late?

'Yesterday, Sarkozy told FN voters, “I want to tell you: I’ve heard you” reiterating his pledge to crack down on uncontrolled immigration. “The French people do not want a sieve-like Europe, this is the message I have heard…If Europe cannot defend it borders, France will”, he said.' [Open Europe.]

Freebie Alert. See Ya There!

Jos - Again!

April 25, 2012|5:17 pm

JOS, Nigeria, April 25 (Compass Direct News) – One person was killed and nine others were injured last night after suspected Islamic extremists attacked a TV viewing center in a Christian area of Jos where a crowd had gathered to watch soccer. At about 10:15 p.m. at the viewing center, one of many such establishments popular in Nigeria for watching soccer matches, the attackers drove past the site and threw an explosive device at hundreds of Christians watching the match, eyewitnesses told Compass.

Ending Malaria.

Sometimes It Works. The Exception Proving The Rule?

Behind bars: Adam Khan Ahmadzai was at the very heart of the looting and rioting in Croydon last August, according to the Attorney GeneralLondon riot ringleader has 'unduly lenient' four-year sentence doubled by Attorney General

Adam Khan Ahmadzai, 20, of Feltham, west London, attacked police, robbed, pillaged and looted during a shocking orgy of ‘mayhem and carnage’ as last August’s mass disorder overwhelmed the capital.
