Regrettably however, he is failing to learn the lessons of the history of chaos always caused throughout the education system whenever somebody at the top has a good idea.
There are so many leftists and bureaucrats within the setup who will do their all to thoroughly gut what he is doing and that has simply not been taken into account.

Oh - it CAN be done to a degree - but at what cost? With what degree of upheaval?
All changes from on high have a disproportionately negative effect on classroom teachers. They will hate him, many will crack as their already huge burdens massively increase and the entire profession will be alienated. (Ne'er forget too that most teachers today came through this very dumbed-down system! Where are equivalents of the great educators of the past to be found in order to implement improvements?)
The silly thing is that he could pretty much attain the desired aims without the inevitable pandemonium.Everything he wants to accomplish can be achieved by gradual changes to the GCSE system over the same time period.
I can retire from part time teaching whenever I care to do so. Shall I stick around to attempt to make all this work? - NO CHANCE!!!
Heart in the right place, Mr Gove?- I'm sure that it is BUT get real dude!