Sunday, October 21, 2012

Abortion 'Messes You Up'.

The ex-fiancée of Aerosmith frontman and American Idol judge Steven Tyler will speak at the Life Legal Defense Foundation annual dinner to share her story about how the couple aborted their child in the 1970s; a decision that she says "nearly destroyed them."

Julia Holcomb said in preparation of the Nov. 17 dinner due to take place in Santa Clara, California: "I pray that all those who have had abortions or have participated in any way in an abortion procedure may find in my story, not judgment or condemnation, but a renewed hope in God's steadfast love, forgiveness and peace. Marriage and the family are the building blocks of all virtuous societies. I pray that our nation may find its way back to God's plan by respecting the life of unborn children and strengthening the sanctity of marriage."
The LLFD notes that Tyler himself has admitted his regret over the abortion decision in the book Walk this Way: The Autobiography of Aerosmith. Holomb began living with Tyler when she was only 16 while he was 27. Together they experienced hardships that led to Holomb having an abortion, which Tyler admits "really messed (him) up."

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