Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Eurocrash - Get Your Tickets Whilst You Still Can.

Performance of Eurocrash at the Ambassadors Theatre on 19th February

A performance of EuroCrash! will be held on 19th February at the Ambassadors Theatre, West Street London WC2H 9ND, starting at 8 pm.

EuroCrash!, a musical satire-cum-comedy by David Shirref, a contributing editor of The Economist magazine, is ‘inspired by’ (if that is the right expression) the rise and fall of the euro. A performance at the UKIP annual conference in Birmingham last September was given a standing ovation. The notice is below.

EuroCrash! at the Ambassadors

EuroCrash! the Musical will play for one night only at The Ambassadors Theatre, London

On Tuesday 19th February 2013 at 8.00pm - Tickets £20 or £25 - Box office: 08448 112 334 ( Tickets online at:

EuroCrash! has had amazing success with audiences in London, Berlin and Frankfurt. It is a drama about the rise and fall of the euro, wrapped in the fairy-tale of Hansel & Gretel. It is as entertaining, thought-provoking, and as weird as Alice in Wonderland. Meet Mark and Gilda, the Hansel & Gretel of Euroland, Papa Kohl and Madame Mitterand who run the European Currency School, the Snake, the PIIGS, paying for past profligacy, the Rating Agencies, the wild currencies of eastern Europe and the mighty Bundesbank.

Special guest appearances by Angela Merkel, David Cameron and François Hollande.

All this gives us something between Gilbert & Sullivan and Berthold Brecht, with hard-hitting lyrics and great songs - all original. The words were written by David Shirreff, a writer on European business and finance for The Economist. The music is by Russell Sarre, an Australian composer. They collaborated on an earlier musical Broke Britannia! which played at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2010. EuroCrash is a thoroughly gripping show of about 75 minutes from which all, euro-savvy experts and laymen alike, generally emerge amused and perhaps trifle wiser about the biggest issue facing Europe, yes even us in Britain.

More information at

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