Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Farage - Top UK Politician Of 2012 In Large MSN Poll.

Ukip leader Nigel Farage has been named as the top UK politician of 2012 in an MSN poll. But in a stark message to all politicians, nearly half of the 34,737 people that took part in the survey picked the “none of the above" option.
Prime minister David Cameron was second to Nigel Farage, while Labour leader Ed Miliband was third followed by Scottish first minister Alex Salmond. Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg trailed behind them all.
Mr Farage said: “I am delighted by this vote of confidence by the MSN readership. However, the clear message from this poll is that the entire political class is held in contempt.
“I am just lucky to be held in less contempt than the rest of them.”
But the results do reflect a good year for Mr Farage and Ukip, which has seen growing support in opinion polls and at the ballot box. Some 21% of MSN readers who took part in our survey backed Mr Farage as the top UK politician of 2012.

A Church Ditches Digital.
