On my fairly regular forays to The Costa Blanca - the markets are full of them and at prices which are fair and reasonable but that is just a bit too far to travel for the weekly shop!
Apples are one of life's pleasures and fujis are at the very top end of their range. Skins are never waxy, they are always juicy, crisp and filled with that distinctive, subtle flavour. They are tremendous 'keepers' and do not go soft, flavourless or 'paffy' at all easily.
So many apples on sale contain every negative listed above. Some are hit and miss. (Although, believe it or not, I did buy some nice Braeburns this week.)
I really miss quality apples being readily available.
It originated as a cross between two
American apple varieties Virginia Ralls
Genet and Red Delicious. Even though
'engineered' in imperial Japan in the 30s -
I have forgiven it!
American apple varieties Virginia Ralls
Genet and Red Delicious. Even though
'engineered' in imperial Japan in the 30s -
I have forgiven it!