Saturday, August 31, 2013

UKIP Statement On Syria - Predating 'Dave's' Defeat In The Commons.

UKIP has issued the following statement on Syria: We have been in Afghanistan for longer than the first and second world wars put together and the benefits to the civilians of the country are marginally increased yet the price paid in money and blood by British troops is enormous.  There is no clear proof it was the Assad regime who used chemical weapons.  We have no idea who the rebels are - a point UKIP has been making since the start and we opposed the arming of the rebels who it has been indicated have extremist Islamic elements.
The MoD is already struggling with budget cuts and troops are being made redundant, many with very few opportunities of jobs on civvy street during this economic decline.  It, quite simply, is not our business anyway. We are not world policemen.  We saw a decade ago what happens with dodgy evidence being given to Parliament and we must not repeat the mistakes of Iraq.
