Friday, September 27, 2013

Bloom's Departure: Damage? - No, Probably Relief.

Bloom’s body blow to Ukip?
From: David Quarrie, Lynden Way Holgate, York.
What a shame that the Ukip conference and leader Nigel Farage’s speech were so diluted by the irresponsible action and words of the Yorkshire and Humber MEP Godfrey Bloom. This silly man opened his mouth and flayed his arms about, before engaging his brain. So many people are now hoping that at long last, via Ukip, this sad nation of ours might get its greatness back. In themselves, what Bloom did and said were not that bad, but the damage to the credibility of the whole party was immense.
In these grim days of political correctness, all politicians should know that their critics and foes are longing for gaffes like Godfrey’s. Hopefully time will be a great healer, and Farage and co can lead us to a far better future. Yorks Post.
Ed: Fair points albeit a tad overstated.
Bet the leftists are actually disappointed!

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...