Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fracking - The Truth. Well Done UKIP.

I spent yesterday with one of the world's top six experts on fracking. As he is now retired and certainly not held in thrall to the giant oil companies, he has no axe to grind on the issue - and not living in the UK any more - he is able to be 100% neutral and objective.
He made the following points:
There may be some cosmetic damage to the landscape but on a relatively tiny scale compared to the huge advantages.
The technology has been available and used successfully for many decades.
The 'frightener elements' used by the antis are total hogwash.
There are two types of fracking - one is 'the shallow version' which can allow insignificant amounts of land movement BUT ...
The type to be used in the UK is 'deep fracking' - where land movement does not occur AND is a considerable depth below the water table which ends all possibility of damage to it.
I asked him if he could think of any reason at all why the UK should NOT follow this path and his response was an unequivocal 'NO!'
He also explained to me the niceties of horizontal drilling which means that so much more can be extracted than by the vertical methods.
UKIP 6 - So-called Greens - 0.
Blow the whistle - the 90 minutes is up!
