Sunday, September 22, 2013

To Those With No Sense Of Right And Wrong - An Open Letter.

How little sense of justice you must possess if you insist that there must never be a death penalty imposed.
Imagine the naked evil of those who slaughtered scores of innocent shoppers in a mall in Nairobi yesterday. Yet in your philosophy these so-called people have not willingly surrendered their otherwise inalienable right to life?
Do you insist still - that in spite of clear scriptural warrant to the contrary - that these butchers have a right to continue living on this planet?
Why do you support the purveyors of purest evil? What has gone wrong with your moral compass?
Will you misuse the 'turning the other cheek' verse from The Sermon On The Mount which was clearly for individuals - and not societies?
Worst of all are those of you who adopt this line yet happily lend support to the daily massacres of the unborn.
Try, for once in your lives, to contrast evil and innocence.
When we can - we fight evil with spiritual weapons. When we cannot we must use other means. There is nothing wrong in this. All that matters is that we do not carry hatred or a vengeful spirit as justice is executed.
