Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Archer Fish.

A species of fish that has a killer aim uses physics to hunt for its prey, according to scientists.
Archerfish lurk under the surface of water before spitting to hit unsuspecting insects that have landed nearby, which when hit, plummet to their death to provide the fish with food.
Research has shown that the animal is able to instinctively take into account light refraction and other physics principles such as the Plateau–Rayleigh instability to be one of the most accurate hunters in the natural world. Mail.
So. When this is an 'extra facility' - over and above the normal food-gathering of the archer fish and is no way 'needed' - this phenomenon cannot be explained by the usual attempts of evolutionists. Or maybe as they grow up, at the teen stage, they all start to develop severely anti-social habits.

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