Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Easing The A&E Burden- Louise Bours MEP.

The A & E crisis hitting hospitals all over the country could be eased if the paperwork burden was eased on family doctors, says UKIP health spokesman Louise Bours.
"Our GPs are under enormous pressure and overburdened with the tick box data collection culture instigated by the Labour Party. It is no wonder that some patients have problems getting an appointment. Heading instead to A & E is not necessarily the best course of action but people worried about their health, particularly if elderly or with young children, understandably want to be seen sooner rather than later," said Ms Bours.
"Just imagine how many more patients could be accommodated if GP's across the country were freed from the data collection burden. Most GPs are working 11-13 hour days and simply cannot do any more and extra stress will just lead to them going off sick themselves or leaving the profession.

I hope most Americans had a Godly Thanksgiving.

7 Thanksgiving controversies: Date change, mentions of God, ‘Day of Mourning’. By  Michael Gryboski , Mainline Church Editor  Thursday, Nove...