Friday, January 02, 2015

Power Saving - EU Style!

UKIP, eurosceptism, european union, household devices ban

Officials have sent out a new energy directive covering a range of household devices connected to the internet.
They claim that electricity is being wasted while the owners are in bed.
The European Commission directive will cover all new networked devices including computer modems and internet-connected televisions.
Officials say the average internet gadget uses between 25 and 100 watts of electricity while their owners sleep and claim the regulations will save an average household about £32 a year.
The new rules are part of the EU’s Ecodesign initiative under which popular high-wattage vacuum cleaners were banned last year.
Opponents argue that manufacturers are already making efforts to produce more efficient appliances.
UK Independence Party MEP Roger Helmer said: “This is another example of how we are losing control over the smallest details of our affairs.
“The EU should really find something better to do. All consumers want more efficiency from household appliances to cut their energy bills but there is already enormous pressure from the market on firms to provide that.
The EU should really find something better to do
UK Independence Party MEP Roger Helmer
“EU officials apply these blanket regulations from Brussels without looking into the problems.
“This really should be a matter for the industry, the market and, perhaps, national legislation rather than yet more interference from Brussels.”
Jayne Adye, of the cross-party campaign group Get Britain Out, said: “The New Year has started alarmingly, with the EU nanny-state interfering in how we run our lives yet again. Express.

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