Monday, June 29, 2015


With the recent discovery of an unknown Picasso painting - I was reminded of one more anecdote about the old reprobate.
One day, he was approached by a man with a Picasso painting. He asked the old rogue if it was genuine. Picasso gave it a perfunctory glance and declared it a fake whereupon the man said, "No. Wrong. I was there and SAW you paint it!" "So what - I often paint fakes," he remarked!

Spotting A Trendy.

Those who burden themselves with making a good impression on us lesser mortals often possess a real 'giveaway'. This is particularly the case in business and commerce where jargon is considered important. Watch out for those who end important sentences with a rising pitch of voice.
This also applies in the case of liberal lawyers, probation officers and some social workers. It is far from unknown in retail areas such as perfume counters, hairdressers and beauty salons.

Although more common amongst the female of the species - it is seen reasonably often amongst males.

De Nos Jours.

Hallelujah - Employment Tribunal Brings In A Sensible Decision!

Woman pressured by boss to end pregnancy.

An Employment Tribunal has found in favour of a Glaswegian woman whose manager pressured her to have an abortion. Mark Robertson told Teri Cumlin and a colleague that her life was "over" and going "down the pan" because of the pregnancy. He criticised her for drinking too much water and taking too many toilet breaks. She was suspended for "misconduct" and then fired. Employment judge Robert Gall said he regarded the dismissal as "an act of discrimination."  Christian Concern.


Good Grief!

'Allow assisted suicide for under-12s' say Dutch Doctors.

Jill On Hs2.

Yet more proof that we

can’t afford HS2…

If Britain can’t afford to improve its existing railway
 infrastructure, how can it be expected to pay for the
 multi-billion pound HS2 project?
That’s the question posed by UKIP’s Transport
 spokesman Jill Seymour today, after it was revealed
 that Network Rail is being forced to put a series of
 improvements on hold.
Among the work being stalled through a shortage of 
cash is the electrification of the Midland mainline, on
 the Transpennine route between Leeds and Manchester.
Mrs Seymour said: “Time and time again, the Government
 has insisted that the £55 billion-plus HS2 project would not
 impact on the financing of our existing railway infrastructure.
“Now, however, it appears we’re starting to see the truth.
 The Government is clearly tightening the purse strings
 on our existing rail infrastructure to help fund its disgraceful
 HS2 vanity project.”
The West Midlands MEP added: “On one hand, the Secretary
 of State points to the need to ensure that taxpayers’ money is
 not being wasted – yet on the other, he presses ahead stubbornly
 with a high-speed white elephant with an ever-inflating budget.
“If Network Rail has been operating inefficiently and overspending,
 then it must naturally be brought into line. But let us make sure we
 apply those exact same rules everywhere.
“HS2 is a politically driven project without a proven need. It has no
 proven business case, its costs seem to be going up by the week, and
 people who live along the proposed route have already lost value on
 their properties.
“The Government may be getting tough with Network Rail’s spending,
 but it doesn’t even blink about racking up an HS2 debt which will take
 generations to pay off, and which Britain simply cannot afford.”
UKIP has always maintained that the HS2 ‘vanity project’ should be scrapped.
Mrs Seymour said: “It is destroying people’s lives and their communities.
 There are still unanswered questions on plans and costs, and yet it is still 
moving forward against public wishes. It will only be supporting a minority, 
at the expense of the majority.
“What passengers want is an affordable, comfortable, reliable and efficient
 rail network system that delivers from south to north, and east to west. We
 already have a network in place which is desperate for improvement.
“The Government has got its rail transport priorities completely wrong.
 Investment should be targeted towards rail links which benefit the
 majority, not the minority.”
- See more at:

Sentamu: To Think I Once Rated Him.

Archbishop tolerates error on sexual ethics.

The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, has said that clergy in York are entitled to "express varying views on the question of human sexuality." In his statement, he profiled York Minster's support for the city's 'gay pride' event, but made no mention of biblical teaching on marriage. Andrea Williams said, "the Archbishop should be preaching the beauty of the biblical pattern for marriage and disciplining, rather than defending, those within the Church who promote error."  Christian Concern.

Christian News: Real Christians Lose Freedom In US..

Vilified and Marginalized, Lose Their Religious Freedom, Justices Warn in Gay Marriage Dissenting Opinions

Friday's Supreme Court decision redefining marriage in all 50 states to include same-sex couples will infringe upon the religious freedoms of those holding traditional views about marriage, dissenting justices warned.
Pastor Robert Jeffress
Commenting on Friday's landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that made same-sex marriage a constitutional right, outspoken megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress said he believes the court's decision has further "emboldened" and "equipped" liberals to take legal action against Christians who resist same-sex marriage.

Greece: Stuck Between A Hard Left Government And The EU.

This is a nation which needs our prayer.

Data Is Good Too!

One Con Job After Another.

Nigel Farage says the EU is divided over the key issues affecting Europe
I’ve been at the EU summit over the past few days and I don’t sense any congeniality left whatsoever. There were three main things on the agenda.
Greece was the first and was debated endlessly. In fact, Eurozone countries are coming back on Saturday to talk again. 
Frankly, none of them know what to do. There are now signs that Germany’s patience is running out and whilst it is always difficult and sometimes dangerous to make predictions, there can be little doubt that Greece is nearer to leaving the Euro now than at any other point.
Public opinion in Greece has ran straight into Eurozone rules and compromises are becoming more and more difficult. 
There is no united view in response to Greece but if the country does leave the Euro, the European Commission and Germany will comfort themselves that they’ve got firewalls in place.
My experience in markets says that if Greece does go, then people will begin to look at Italy, which has deep imbalances with the Northern EU economies. There could increasingly be a mind set in Italy that perhaps a referendum on Euro membership would be a good idea.
The second element of disharmony is on the migrant crisis.

David Cameron looks like a man going through the motions, says Mr Farage
I’ve been at the EU summit over the past few days and I don’t sense any congeniality left whatsoever
I tried in April to make it a General Election issue but nobody in Britain was really interested or wanted to debate it.
Since then, the EU has dusted down its Common Asylum Policy but for it to work the principle of burden sharing would have to be put in place, where numbers of people would be allocated to member states.
I think that Mr Juncker, the Italians and the Greeks are genuinely surprised that the Northern EU countries are saying no. The reason many of the Northern nations are saying no is because of the big political changes in the North. 
The Eurosceptic leader of the True Finns party, Timo Soini, is now the Foreign Minister for Finland. 
In Denmark, the Eurosceptic People’s Party stunned everybody with how well they did recently. Marine Le Pen is going strong in France, Geert Wilders is strong in the Netherlands.
Jean-Claude Juncker has seen recent plans shot down by the EU
The result has been that Mr Juncker’s plan was shot to pieces at this summit.
The EU has come up with a false package, saying that 40,000 people would be allocated on a voluntary basis, but nothing to ensure that it actually happens. 
And anyway, the numbers coming over and waiting to come across the Med add up to far bigger number than that. 
The third and last item on the agenda was the attempted British “renegotiation”. 
Due to the urgency of other matters, Mr Cameron got just a few minutes, late in the night. It reminds me of the boy at the back of the classroom with his hand up and as the bell goes, the teacher asks: “yes, what is it Smith?”
However, there was some agreement over the British position. There was almost unanimity that Cameron won’t get his much vaunted Treaty change.
So the position that the Prime Minister set out, and that Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond confirmed on June 7 – that Treaty change was necessary – simply isn’t going to happen. The government’s so-called renegotiation has fallen at the first hurdle. I suspect British renegotiation will now be deeply technocratic and involve nothing of real substance.
Mr Cameron did not look like a man on a mission but rather somebody going through the motions.
There are no comparisons between him renegotiating and Mrs Thatcher in the 1980’s. 
The Prime Minister’s entire renegotiation process is a con job. Express.


Labour Party plans “too little, too late”

Plans for a “Labour Party of England” as suggested by left-wing MP Jon Cruddas are “too little, too late” , said UKIP North East MEP Jonathan Arnott.
“This is a patronising approach by Labour to millions who deserted them at last month’s General Election to vote for UKIP. It comes as no surprise, when UKIP took 17% of the vote in the North East, our best result anywhere in the country.”
Mr Cruddas has indicated to Daily Telegraph journalist Mary Riddell that Labour would be looking to replicate its Scottish Labour and Welsh Labour offshoots with the new English-only group soon, saying: “We are going to do it… it will be imminent.”
Mr Arnott, North East MEP said, “Labour was shell shocked to lose an election they thought they had in the bag when voters they have long taken for granted turned to UKIP instead.  But Labour will still be run by and for a Hampstead London elite.  Listening to people shouldn’t be about gimmicks but policies, and Labour clearly opposes English votes for English laws.
“Even Andy Burnham has admitted today that Labour only really like posh people.  The British people have realised that, and are looking for a common-sense alternative, which is one of the reasons so many are turning to UKIP.”

Liberal 'christianity' - BEWARE!

Greece Needs The EU Like Sparrows Need Calculators.

Eurozone ministers have refused to extend Greece’s bailout, plunging the single currency area and Greece itself into uncertainty.


Up to 1 million march in support of the family.

Between 300,000 and one million people gathered in Rome last weekend in support of the natural pattern for the family. The demonstration was prompted by concerns over 'gender theory' teaching in schools and in response to efforts by Italy's PM to push a bill through Parliament that would offer legal recognition to same-sex unions. The event was apparently organised in under three weeks, highlighting the scale of support in Italy for protecting the natural family unit. Christian Concern.

Reverend Tinker.

Vicar attacked for homosexuality comments.
A Hull vicar who dared to challenge the blessing of the city's 'gay pride' event by a Canon of York Minster has received hate mail and been mocked in Parliament. Last weekend, Rev'd Melvin Tinker explained that homosexual activity is immoral, as are other forms of sexual sin. His comments were raised in the House of Commons this week, prompting the Speaker to label Mr Tinker a "misguided Reverend" and "rather a blinkered fellow." Watch Melvin Tinker speak to BBC Look North. Christian Concern. 

The Middle East Explained By Scripture.

I Wouldn't Vote For Him In Any Case But ... Oh, Dear.

'Force schools to teach relationship equality.'

Labour leadership contender Andy Burnham has said that church schools should be forced to teach that same-sex 'marriage' is equal to 'one man, one woman' marriage. In an interview with homosexual news outlet Pink News, Mr Burnham said "not only should [sex and relationship education] be absolutely compulsory, but there must be absolute equality in terms of all relationships within sex and relationships education in terms of how it is taught." Christian Concern.

String Theory.

Why I Oppose Gatwick Extension.

Why is it ALWAYS London? Why do people from the Midlands and North need to travel such silly distances to catch international flights? For countless worldwide destinations, the choice is Heathrow and Gatwick only. Sometimes Manchester gets a sniff - but how does that help those of us in Sheffield when the roads crossing the Pennines are already so unmitigatedly dreadful? How about turning Nottingham East Midlands into a major airport. (Please, sort out the Pennines at the same time by building the full M67 as previously planned!)

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Last Night I Met The Impressive Reverend Waseem Khokhar.

Being a Christian pastor in Lahore takes more than mere courage - it takes dedication, faith and huge amounts of prayer in the face of vicious Islamic intimidation. I dined with Waseem and was mightily impressed with this fine man. I found this link on Youtube for you to get some idea:

Well, Did You Buy It? - Whaddya Mean You 'Intended To?' Best Christian Novel In Aeons.

Brilliant Article - A Must To Read!

Jet2 Do Themselves No Favours.

I have long used JET2 as my first choice of airline but they are starting to really get my goat! (Infinitive-splitting officially approved.) Their most recent offence has been to put up the return price of taking a suitcase from England to Spain to an absurd £42. Ripoff merchants!
Undoubtedly this will be presented as JET2 'showing their green credentials'. But my 22 kgs is not going to use up that much fuel. It is a scam, pure and simple. Well not so long ago, their price was £16. They made a good profit on that - well they have now got their 'own green way' - I take no suitcase, if humanly possible, so their trick has lost them profit from me! I cannot stand being ripped off - and incidentally, if they think that I hadn't noticed the lofty increases in pre-booking a seat - well, I had! I always place my custom where there is VFM combined with respect so they need to watch out. This disgruntled client is now looking elsewhere.

Gypsies Are Not 'Victims of Racism.'

Typical encampment.

Outrage as gypsies take over Charlotte Church village - and use cricket pitch as 'TOILET.' Express.

In my life, I have met very few people who are clearly racist but I have met a great many who utterly despise: diddicoy, pikeys, gypos, tinkers et al. Not one has rejected them because of being 'travellers' or for having 'an unusual lifestyle. They are not judged on appearance or background or dress but on their selfish contempt for the rights of others. The trouble, of course, with generalisations is that they also include many people who may well be decent, caring and honest - but the experiences that so many have endured suggests that this group is a very small minority.
There are some who insist that there is a clear distinction between 'real gypsies' and 'Irish tinkers' who are the bad guys. I must admit that I have no idea whether or not this is a legitimate distinction. But what I do know is that if any sort of gypsies move into a neighbourhood, their behaviour invariably promotes uproar - whether it be from litter, theft or trespass.

Another Unworkable, Unbelievable Cameron Promise!

David Cameron in wake of terror attacks: 'We will beat terrorism.'

I May Have Doubts About Rashid - But None About Second Rater From Durham.

So Pythons Prefer Tesco. Who Knew?

Has anybody seen my python? Panic as 10ft snake goes on the loose in Kent

Eleven-year-old snake Zombie (pictured) is believed to have escaped through his owner's conservatory door. He's since been out and about in Kent, and is believed to be near a Tesco store. Mail On Sunday.

ISIS 'Executions'.

Why are the media referring to 'ISIS Executions'? These quasi human vermin cannot execute anyone as their only legitimacy is in their own eyes. An 'execution' suggests the culmination of due legal process. These people are murderers - nothing less. As a believer, do I want to see them obliterated? - Certainly. But it would still be my preference for them to find The Living Lord as their Saviour from the hell which is their certain fate as things currently stand. Please pray - even for them!

As My Friend Sent To Me Yesterday ...
'David Cameron believes that Britain is better off as a vassal servant of the EU dictatorship than as an independent, democratic, sovereign nation.'

Peter Hitchens.

Fishing Problems?

Nigel Says 'Defend Ourselves'.

The Thing About Elephants...

However You View Euthanasia - This Is SO Wrong!

Belgian doctors give healthy woman, 24, green light to die by euthanasia because of 'suicidal thoughts' 

The young woman, Laura, 24, (picture posed by model) admitted that she has had suicidal thougths since childhood, claiming 'life, that's not for me'. Belgian doctors have agreed and said they will help her die. Mail.

Church Seating.

Franklin Graham Dares To Tell The Truth.

Franklin Graham: Obama Leading America to Sinful Course; 'God Will Judge Him, Us If We Don't Repent'

President Obama is calling the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage a "victory for America," but the Rev. Franklin Graham warns Obama is leading the nation on a sinful course and "God will judge him and us as a nation if we don't repent." Christian News.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Weeks Old Not New News.

Police censor abortion images.

Police in London covered up an Abort67 poster which depicted the body of an 'unwanted' 24-week-old aborted baby. Officers stood in front of the image which was part of a display near Whitehall, and was placed alongside another picture of a 'wanted' 24-week-old prematurely born baby. This raises the question: if the image of the aborted baby is too 'offensive', why is abortion legal? Ironically, the police officers' actions underline the point that abortion should be unlawful. Christian Concern.

Backdated News On C of E.

On the very same day as we find that a group of Anglican women priests has been demanding that God should be referred to as she - it is also reported that the numbers of those who admit to being Anglican throughout our nation has dropped by significantly more than a half in just quarter of a century.
Our increasingly secular attitudes as a nation must shoulder a part of the blame. Nonetheless, it is clear to me that the CofE's  public abandonment of so many fundamental Christian virtues and replacing them with leftist politicking and political correctness has left many profoundly angry. Voting with your feet becomes the only realistic alternative.This damage is done to all of Christianity by actions within the heavily publicised, frequently apostate CofE - along, of course, with similar anti-Gospel moves in other major denominations. In mainstream churches, it is becoming ever more difficult to find the Gospel unsullied by modernity, liberalism and a de facto rejection of the Scriptures as  being the 'inspired Word of God.'

Nice One, Gregg.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: We Know that God's Law Can't Be Undone By Man's Law.


'Educate people without religion and you make them but clever devils.' - Duke of Wellington.

Ravens - More Fascinating Than Budgies?

Top 100 Novels - By Now You Should Have Read At Least Half!

Libya. the murder of about 30 Christians in Libya we ask you please to stand in prayer for our brothers and sisters right across the Middle East and North Africa.
Islamic State (IS) released a video on Sunday showing two separate execution scenes, one on a beach where the victims are beheaded and one in a desert where a group are shot in the head. The Christians are reported to be Ethiopians seized in Libya by IS sympathisers.
In the video, a masked militant threatens further violence against Christians if they do not convert to Islam or pay an Islamic tax (jizya).
Religious tensions across the region are high. Last week, 15 Muslim migrants were arrested by Sicilian police on suspicion of throwing 12 Christians overboard from a boat that left Libya bound for Europe last Tuesday. The detainees have been charged with ‘murder motivated by religious hate’. The Christians, said to be from Ghana and Nigeria, are all feared dead.
Please PRAY NOW for our Christian family in North Africa and the Middle East. Pray that they will know that God is their rock, fortress and deliverer (Psalm 18:2). Pray too that they will keep their eyes fixed on Him.
(Sources: BBC, Middle East Concern)

Puke, Vomit.
Catholics for Choice, as the group's name suggests, supports abortion.

Thomas Jefferson.

From: Thomas W. Jefferson, Batty Lane, Howden, Goole.
GERMANY’S Angela Merkel is on record as saying that if the euro fails the EU fails. Regardless of the fate of Greece, the euro has already failed because it has brought political and economic instability which threatens not only Europe, but also the rest of the world. This ticking time-bomb has become serious enough for President Obama to intervene to exhort Germany to find a way of keeping Greece in the eurozone, because he fears the unpredictable economic consequences of the euro splintering, and the possibility that Russia could re-gain influence in Eastern Europe via Greece.
But these problems are not some accident of fate. They are the consequence of an ill-conceived and badly executed plan to centralise power in the EU in furtherance of the stated objective of “ever closer union” which was driven by an elite who do not subject themselves to accountability at the ballot-box.
The EU needs root and branch reform, including greater democratic accountability, and David Cameron’s shopping-list of reforms, even if achieved, will be woefully inadequate in securing that end.
It is time to call it a day and, as the world’s sixth largest economy, self-confidently take control of our own fate.
