After coming to power promising to be a "radical" voice for
the Greek people, Alexis Tsipras has been completely bludgeoned by the European
He stood over the precipice a few weeks ago but didn't have
the courage to contemplate a future for Greece outside of the
In that, he was in accord with the majority of his own
population who viewed leaving the Euro as a sign of
Of course many of those middle class Greeks and the
business class did not want to see their assets devalued on the European
Things are changing now though.
Recent opinion polling by Bridging Europe confirms a trend
that now by only a margin of 41 per cent to 36 per cent of the Greeks think that
staying in the Euro is a good idea.
Commission President Juncker's jubilation that Greece has
agreed to a third bailout with even more crippling terms, and his statement that
the Euro has survived effectively means that Greece can starve as long as the
project stays on course.
Many Greeks and indeed those from all over the world have
been shocked at the sheer ruthlessness of the dictatorial Euro project. And now
Greeks are increasingly saying: "Better to be free and a bit poorer than be
treated like this."
The opinion polls show that Tsipras' gamble on the general
election should return him to power.
But Mediterannean politics is volatile and changeable at
the best of times.
That nearly 30 of his own MPs are forming a new party much
along the original lines of that Tsipras used to stand for is
But the man to watch for is Mr
When I saw him strolling along down Downing Street in an
open neck shirt and a leather bomber jacket I said to myself: "I think this is
the real the deal". I still do.
He is clearly a man of massive charisma compared to Mr
Tsipras who sat in front of me in Strasbourg looking like a frightened
If Varoufakis does leave Tsipras to join this new Popular
Unity group, all bets could be off.
It is also worth remembering that the far-right Golden Dawn
may well benefit from this election too.
Their opposition to the Euro is unequivocal and the migrant
crisis is putting massive pressure on a country already deeply in
Whilst its pretty impossible to see Varoufakis working with
Golden Dawn, the way that Tsipras did with the Independent Greeks, I believe
this election will take Greece nearer to the Euro exit.
As far as I'm concerned, it can't come soon enough.