Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Brexit - Increasing Grounds For Optimism.

The 'deal' is a load of gibberish; poorly constructed; needs oodles of explanation; addresses peripheral issues; is clearly a euro-concoction; falls far, far short of Dave's promises and does not resonate with the people. I feel that many of the undecided will now see through 'Dave' and will vote 'out' just to spite a most unpopular man.
I am delighted to see just how much EU-scepticism is beginning to appear in both The Mail and Telegraph. The Star and Express are already on board and The Sun has never been a fan of the EU. Only The Mirror still worries me. They have a large circulation. Please write a host of four or five line letters to the paper supporting Brexit. If you 'take a pop' at Dave in the process - they may just publish!
The EU's over-funded propaganda machine will have to work extremely hard to overcome all of these points - and it may well overreach itself as many of the simplest of folks can recognise obvious falseness.

Allison Pearson.

  So you can imagine how delighted I was to come across the term “far centre”, which was coined by Prof Jonathan Clark, the leading British ...