the cave guides tell you “don’t touch the stalactites; they take so long to
grow”? But they don’t take time they take a process!
Unveiled at our Jurassic Ark open day on the 31st October was our new stalactite machine built to prove this. Shown above from left to right is 1 the basic design conceived by John Mackay of a half semi-circular concrete pipe, 2 which was then filled with alternate layers of shells, broken concrete and finally leaf mulch. 3 shows the first stalactite after three week’s growth, and lastly 4 the same stalactite after four and a half week’s growth. The stalactite has grown one millimetre per week under the worst circumstances where it is open to wind, sun, storm etc. Our next step it to enclose the area so it is protected as in a cave, and to connect time lapse photography to record how fast these things really can grow. This project is absolutely vital in showing young students they are really being deceived by claims that make time the hero of the plot, in man’s desperate attempt to remove the efficiency of God’s process in Creation as well as in the fallen world.
Unveiled at our Jurassic Ark open day on the 31st October was our new stalactite machine built to prove this. Shown above from left to right is 1 the basic design conceived by John Mackay of a half semi-circular concrete pipe, 2 which was then filled with alternate layers of shells, broken concrete and finally leaf mulch. 3 shows the first stalactite after three week’s growth, and lastly 4 the same stalactite after four and a half week’s growth. The stalactite has grown one millimetre per week under the worst circumstances where it is open to wind, sun, storm etc. Our next step it to enclose the area so it is protected as in a cave, and to connect time lapse photography to record how fast these things really can grow. This project is absolutely vital in showing young students they are really being deceived by claims that make time the hero of the plot, in man’s desperate attempt to remove the efficiency of God’s process in Creation as well as in the fallen world.
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