Saturday, February 20, 2016

TTIP - Sufficient Reason To Quit.

Enlighten yourselves if you have an 'open mind' on just one part of this EU 'in & out' argument - trade and the SWOT analysis says there are more threats than opportunities ? Why are we so frightened about leaving the EU? It could not be personal vested-interests could it and where the big picture for the majority is not a part of this equation?
'The TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) will be an Absolute Disaster for the People of the EU (European Union) and the People of America (USA) in the long-term - We simply have to Vote AGAINST this behind closed doors Transatlantic Trade deal before it is signed up and too late for the People to do anything about it' -

Read more:

A Verse of Great Encouragement.