Saturday, April 30, 2016

What Wilson Did To Win In 1975 and Heath Before That. (It Ain't Pretty.)
Must warn people that, however interesting the facts are here, the ending is a little too extreme! 

John Major.

The words of a mindless, monomaniacal buffoon, "Brexit supporters should move to N.Korea if they want more sovereignty."
I think that this is probably the most stoopid remark I have ever heard from a major politician - albeit one whose tenure as PM was distinctly fifth rate.

Eric Metaxas On The World's Most Dangerous Book.

Apparently many folks find Scripture more dangerous than explicit sex. And you know what? Those who hold to a strictly materialistic and atheistic worldview probably should! And tyrants, from Roman emperors to Soviet premiers to North Korean dictators could agree with Mark Twain’s quip: “It ain’t the parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it’s the parts that I do understand.”
To them, the Bible is the world’s most dangerous book.
And this is why, as Bible Gateway general manager Rachel Barach told Christianity Today, “The Bible has been criticized, challenged, and banned by individuals, groups, and governments through centuries of persecution.” Breakpoint.


Michael Gove - When Albania Joins ...

He Overcame The World.

George Osborne.

Interesting to see that, apparently, most of his relatives want OUT of the EU.


Leaving The EU Is Also A Spiritual Battle.

I have just received today my copy of Christian Soldiers - UKIP. On the front page, it reminds us that the struggle to quit the EU is a SPIRITUAL fight. It describes the EU as secular, ungodly and satanic.
(I agree, of course - but would point out that if that is your main argument - it also applies pretty much to the Westminster Parliament too.)

Friday, April 29, 2016

Dave Talking Nonsense In Guardian.

SIR – According to David Cameron, the Prime Minister, writing in The Guardian yesterday, “paid holidays, maternity rights, equal treatment for the millions of people working part-time, protections for agency workers, even equal pay for women at work: all are guaranteed by Europe and all could be at risk if we left.”
But any benefit bestowed by the EU only comes into effect when enshrined in UK law, and can only be lost if that law is repealed.
So is that what he is proposing if Leave prevails, and he stays on as Prime Minister? Or is this just another empty threat from the Remain camp?
Roger Smith
Meppershall, Bedfordshire. Daily Telegraph.

Nigeria: More Atrocities.

Nigeria: Dozens slaughtered and church burned down in latest Fulani massacre

Up 40 people or more have been slaughtered in a new atrocity by an armed force of Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria's Enugu State, according to local reports. Christian Post.

The Kitchen Saint.

Nigel More Trusted Than Dave On EU Matters.

Osborne's Sums Do Not Add Up.

Workers would be better off by £40 a week after Brexit, say economists: Group brand the euro an 'unmitigated disaster' and say membership holds back growth 

Economists said the economy would be 4% bigger if the UK left the EU. It contradicts the Chancellor's claims the economy would be 6.2% smaller by 2030 if Britain votes to leave the EU.

How It Is.

Fascists At The Poisoned Heart Of Labour.

'Better The Devil You Know' Is Seriously Flawed Thinking.

Ian Smith, Colston Close, Bradford.

IN hindsight, I made a huge mistake in 1975 when – at that referendum – I voted to stay in the EEC. I was naive in assuming that the Common Market would remain as it then was. It didn’t of course, and throughout the 40 or so years since, it has ignored normal acceptable growth patterns to become, for us the populace, the uncontrollable behemoth that it is today.
The mistake that many people are now making is to assume that the EU will, with minor changes stay as it is. It won’t.
But it will continue to build and within the next two or three decades, it will probably have extended its monetary arrangements to all members, and established itself as the United States of Europe. Its strategy and “spirit of closer relations between the States belonging to it”, within the Treaty of Rome’s “an ever-closer Union amongst the peoples of Europe”, will ensure it.
We must not ignore that Treaty, as we in innocence and ignorance did in 1975. Past political promises become extraneous over time. That there’s an agreement today to exclude the UK from the EU’s aims, including the pound, will be irrelevant as the years pass by.
In fulfilling the EU’s objective, all layers of democracy will very likely disintegrate within the super state – unless we help by putting on the brakes to a complete halt. So for us that has to be Leave.
Many who support Remain talk of “better the devil you know”. But they appear not to know the devil they support at all – they make the same assumptions that I made in 1975.
Read more:

The Hillsborough Inquest.

It is undeniable that South Yorkshire police did not cover themselves in any glory during the Hillsborough disaster. Just how poor they were has now finally reached the light of day.
My problem is that certain facts seem to have now been forgotten or rewritten. 
I have spoken to two people who lived along the route walked by Liverpool fans on that fateful afternoon who both declared to me, independently of each other, that the behaviour of the those fans prior to reaching the stadium was the worst ever seen in an era when football hooliganism was rife. 
I do not know what occurred at the inquest but - what happened to the fact that many hundreds of Liverpool fans without tickets tried to smash their way in? - Did the police foment the tragedy or simply handle an already appalling situation very badly?

Ken Livingstone Described In The Telegraph.

12:10pm 28th April.

Comment:Ken Livingstone is a stain on the conscience of the Labour Party – and Jeremy Corbyn tolerates him.



Shakespeare - Who Wrote His Stuff? - Yay, It Was Actually Shakespeare!

I have just completed the reading of Bill Bryson's excellent 'Shakespeare: The World As A Stage.' in which he examines all known facts about the bard - of which the numbers run into dozens rather than hundreds. I thoroughly enjoyed the well-researched little volume.
The best part was the last chapter as he blasted all the anti-Stratfordians out of the water.
These are those sad people who like to fool themselves into thinking - for reasons too unintelligible to fathom - that Shakespeare did not produce the Shakespearean canon but 'fronted it for someone else'.
Yes, indeed. That final chapter was a real purler!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Worst WiFi In The UK.


Fungi Foraging Farce.

Lithuanian nurse fined for foraging THREE BAGS of wild mushrooms in Epping Forest claims hunting for fungi is a childhood tradition in her home country.

Were there any signs posted? - NO! Thought not.

Cameron Is Contemptible.

David Cameron has mocked Nigel Farage for the way he pronounces his 'poncey, foreign-sounding' name.

(Let us not forget that this is the same Cameron who has fled from debate over the EU. The scared scaremonger, perhaps?)

I Support The Driver Here.

Uber forced to apologise to blind student after driver refused to let his guide dog in car because it was against his RELIGION.

Charles Bloch used the firm's app to book a cab to take his Labrador Carlo to a park in Leicester, but the driver refused to pick up the dog because it was an 'unclean animal' and might 'try to lick him'. Mail.
There is an incorrect assumption in this that we do not have the right to make decisions on or own behalf. It is the same side of the coin to those appalling, modern situations when the Law overrules your personal conscience and insists that you must do something which deeply offends you. Uber should have immediately sent another driver at the behest of the original driver.

Book Now!

Obama Mocked In Private Eye.

YouGov Poll In The Times.

CON 30%, LAB 33%, L.DEM 6%, UKIP 20%, GRN 3%.
(Council elections are just around the corner!)

Corbyn And Teachers.

 Jan 8 Of course Corbyn wants to belittle teachers, he wants to turn out kids stupid enough to vote Labour.

Do Not Ask The Lord Tamely - CRY OUT!

The Case Against Cremation.
I understand the arguments but remain largely unconvinced.
Mind you:


Sir Thomas Gresham - Not A Nice Man.

Sir Thomas Gresham (he of Gresham's Law - 'bad money drives out good') was probably the cleverest financier of the sixteenth century but was also a total blue meanie.

He ousted his peasant workforce to debt and starvation and likely death in order to make a slight upturn on the arable land profits on his Durham estate by switching it mostly to grazing land. 
Born again Christians are incapable of such deeds. 'By their fruits ye shall know them.'

Resolving Unresolved Anger - The Bible Way.

The Bible is littered with references to anger, and though righteous anger is a good thing, Scripture is clear that Christians are to forgive and not let anger consume them. Here are 10 Bible verses that may help you if you're struggling with unresolved anger:
Ephesians 4.31-32: "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
Ephesians 4.26: "In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."
James 1.19-20: "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."
Galatians 6.1-2: "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted."
Proverbs 15.18:"A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel."
Ecclesiastes 7.9:"Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools."
Colossians 3.13: "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
Hebrews 12.15: "See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many."
1 Corinthians 13.4-6: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth."
Matthew 5.9: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Christian Post.

Want An NHS?

Frank In The Guardian.

Vote Leave And The OECD.

The EU-funded OECD became the latest body to publish a report with ridiculous claims about what would happen after we Vote Leave. However, even when using extremely pessimistic and unrealistic assumptions - including that the UK will not strike a free trade deal with the EU or any other country - they make clear that the UK economy would continue to grow outside the EU.
Significantly, the OECD find that after we take back control of our borders, we can reduce net migration to avoid a city the size of Manchester being added to the UK population by 2030. This will ease the pressure on our NHS and public services which are already under severe strain.
As the fifth largest economy in the world, we will strike free trade agreements with the EU and with growing economies around the world. We can take back control of our immigration policy and welcome in the brightest and best from around the world. The only way to do this is to Vote Leave on 23 June. Vote Leave.

Email From A Friend.

I came across this quote today from Samuel Adams, one of Americas founding fathers and one of the instigators of the Boston Tea Party. The remark was made apparently to people who believed that America shouldn't be independent of Britain because they would be financially worse off. Now where have I heard similar arguments to that?
"If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, then go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
God Bless,


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Gold Standard Faith.

Moths - Peppered And Otherwise.

When evolutionist sources are examined, one inevitably sees that the example of moths in England during the Industrial Revolution is cited as an example of evolution by natural selection. This is put forward as the most concrete example of evolution observed, in textbooks, magazines, and even academic sources. In actuality, though, that example has nothing to do with evolution at all.
Let us first recall what is actually said: According to this account, around the onset of the Industrial Revolution in England, the color of tree barks around Manchester was quite light. Because of this, dark-colored moths resting on those trees could easily be noticed by the birds that fed on them, and therefore they had very little chance of survival. Fifty years later, in woodlands where industrial pollution has killed the lichens, the bark of the trees had darkened, and now the light-colored moths became the most hunted, since they were the most easily noticed. As a result, the proportion of light-colored to dark-colored moths decreased. Evolutionists believe this to be a great piece of evidence for their theory. They take refuge and solace in window-dressing, showing how light-colored moths "evolved" into dark-colored ones.
The top picture shows trees with moths on them before the Industrial Revolution, and the bottom picture shows them at a later date. Because the trees had grown darker, birds were able catch light-colored moths more easily and their numbers decreased. However, this is not an example of "evolution," because no new species emerged; all that happened was that the ratio of the two already existing types in an already existing species changed.
However, although we believe these facts to be correct, it should be quite clear that they can in no way be used as evidence for the theory of evolution, since no new form arose that had not existed before. Dark colored moths had existed in the moth population before the Industrial Revolution. Only the relative proportions of the existing moth varieties in the population changed. The moths had not acquired a new trait or organ, which would cause "speciation."13 In order for one moth species to turn into another living species, a bird for example, new additions would have had to be made to its genes. That is, an entirely separate genetic program would have had to be loaded so as to include information about the physical traits of the bird.
This is the answer to be given to the evolutionist story of Industrial Melanism. However, there is a more interesting side to the story: Not just its interpretation, but the story itself is flawed. As molecular biologist Jonathan Wells explains in his book Icons of Evolution, the story of the peppered moths, which is included in every evolutionary biology book and has therefore, become an "icon" in this sense, does not reflect the truth. Wells discusses in his book how Bernard Kettlewell's experiment, which is known as the "experimental proof" of the story, is actually a scientific scandal. Some basic elements of this scandal are:
- Many experiments conducted after Kettlewell's revealed that only one type of these moths rested on tree trunks, and all other types preferred to rest beneath small, horizontal branches. Since 1980 it has become clear that peppered moths do not normally rest on tree trunks. In 25 years of fieldwork, many scientists such as Cyril Clarke and Rory Howlett, Michael Majerus, Tony Liebert, and Paul Brakefield concluded that in Kettlewell's experiment, moths were forced to act atypically, therefore, the test results could not be accepted as scientific.14
- Scientists who tested Kettlewell's conclusions came up with an even more interesting result: Although the number of light moths would be expected to be larger in the less polluted regions of England, the dark moths there numbered four times as many as the light ones. This meant that there was no correlation between the moth population and the tree trunks as claimed by Kettlewell and repeated by almost all evolutionist sources.
- As the research deepened, the scandal changed dimension: "The moths on tree trunks" photographed by Kettlewell, were actually dead moths. Kettlewell used dead specimens glued or pinned to tree trunks and then photographed them. In truth, there was little chance of taking such a picture as the moths rested not on tree trunks but underneath the leaves.15
These facts were uncovered by the scientific community only in the late 1990s. The collapse of the myth of Industrial Melanism, which had been one of the most treasured subjects in "Introduction to Evolution" courses in universities for decades, greatly disappointed evolutionists. One of them, Jerry Coyne, remarked:
My own reaction resembles the dismay attending my discovery, at the age of six, that it was my father and not Santa who brought the presents on Christmas Eve.16
Thus, "the most famous example of natural selection" was relegated to the trash-heap of history as a scientific scandal-which was inevitable, because natural selection is not an "evolutionary mechanism," contrary to what evolutionists claim.
In short, natural selection is capable neither of adding a new organ to a living organism, nor of removing one, nor of changing an organism of one species into that of another. The "greatest" evidence put forward since Darwin has been able to go no further than the "industrial melanism" of moths in England.



We're 4+ times size of Norway/Switzerland/Iceland put together. And Remain thinks after Brexit we'll get worse deal than them? Nonsense.

Dear Theresa. How Can This Possibly Be Accomplished Whilst Still In The EU? - Pray Tell!

Theresa May last night plunged Tory plans to scrap the Human Rights Act into chaos by demanding that Britain should quit the European Court of Human Rights.

Ched Evans.
Would I want Ched Evans to move in next door to me? (After all it wouldn't be the first time I have had a well-known footballer do so.) - Er ... no thanks - my respect for this man and his hedonistic lifestyle is rock bottom.
This Blog has long made the point, however, that his conviction for reprehensible behaviour could not possibly be legitimate. A conviction for rape was wrong - much in the same way that the conviction of Mike Tyson, all those years ago, was dubious in the extreme.
This Blog welcomes his conviction being wiped out and doubts that the CPS will be able to justify a retrial. Time will tell.

Not Quite As Good As You Think, Pal

ANOTHER Greek Crisis.

How Many Migrants In Britain? - We Haven't A Clue!


Moslem Brothers Embrace The Christ.

The sons of a slain Ethiopian woman who was beaten mercilessly by her husband after she converted from Islam to Christianity last year have given their lives to Christ after witnessing their mother's strong faith in Jesus.
According to global Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors USA, a Christian convert named Workitu, a mother in her 50s, was killed by her husband and a neighbor at the end of March in the Addis Ababa after she refused her husband's demands to sell government drought relief aid.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

James Taylor On The Mend.

JAMES TAYLOR marked his release from hospital after surgery to treat a rare heart condition with an upbeat message. Happy to see him well - unhappy to have lost his mighty talent.


Christians, Yazidis and other minorities are victims of a genocide by ISIS according to MPs from all parties in a unanimous vote on Wednesday.
The House of Commons passed a motion by 278-0 which recognised genocide has been committed and called on the government to refer the matter to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).
However the government refused to support the motion and ordered all Tory MPs who are on the payroll to abstain. This meant 40 per cent of Conservative MPs were barred from voting. Harry Farley.  CP.

Postal Voting - The Scams Exposed.

UP UNTIL 1872, the election process in the United Kingdom was a pretty corrupt affair.
Elections were much more open to abuse as voting was often a very public display with eligible voters showing raised hands to signify their chosen candidate. Bribes and intimidation were commonplace, especially amongst financially vulnerable voters.
Employers and landlords would often attend the vote, or send a representative on their behalf to ensure that their workers or tenants voted for their approved candidate. Voters refusing to be coerced could face unemployment or eviction.
From 1872, until the passing of the Representation of the People Act 1918, voting was only in person and in secret; however, following the First World War, it was decided that those serving in the armed forces were prevented “by reason of the nature of their occupation…from voting at a poll” and allowed to cast an absent ballot.
Entitlement to an absent ballot for those not serving with the armed forces was not granted until the Representation of the People Act 1948. The new Act expanded the right to an absent vote for those who genuinely could not attend their polling station, either through physical incapacity, or from those who would need to travel by air or sea, due to the nature of their occupation.
Further extensions were made for voters who were otherwise genuinely absent under the Representation of the People Act 1985, but it was not until 2000, under Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair, that application for postal voting was made available “on demand”. And it is that “on demand” system of postal voting which is open to widespread misuse and even corruption, and is in urgent need of reform.
 In it, I call for an urgent amendment of the Representation of the People Act 2000 by scrapping that inclusion of postal voting “on demand”.
People choosing to vote via post rather than polling station have already started to receive their postal voting ballots for next month’s plethora of elections. In my paper, published by the UKIP Parliamentary Resource Unit, I point to recent postal voting anomalies in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Wythenshawe and Sale East, Peterborough, Burnley, Blackburn and Birmingham, as examples of how postal voting on demand has perverted the democratic process.
Evidence suggests that many postal voters complete and return their voting cards within 24 hours of receiving them – which is weeks before the actual election date and before they have had any chance to hear from all competing candidates. As the saying goes, a week is a long time in politics, so a lot can happen before election day and therefore public opinion can often change. 
But mass, early postal voting doesn’t allow those voters to change their minds. And all the evidence suggests that those earlier examples are just the tip of the iceberg.
I felt I had to write this paper following what I witnessed at the Oldham West and Royton by election where boxes containing postal votes were almost unanimously in support of one particular party. I knew then that something was rotten in our system. I believe postal voting needs to return to its origins – allowing those who are genuinely infirm and housebound, or perhaps abroad serving in the armed forces, to have their say at the ballot box.
What we have the moment, thanks to the Labour Party for whom it serves best, is a system where anyone can demand to be allowed a postal vote rather than visit a polling station. This means that some households can have all their votes decided by one person, regardless of an individual’s own personal political persuasions.
I have highlighted recorded incidents of postal voting abuse in a diverse number of places across the country, and why this can lead to a democratic deficit. I suggest that we amend the Representation of the People Act 2000 and do away with the ludicrous system that allows postal voting “on demand”.
This would go a long way to restoring our electoral legitimacy and reinforce the belief that UK elections are being held in a fair and proper manner. The legacy of postal voting will have had a profound effect on UK electoral registers. It is therefore necessary to fully audit the electoral register to ensure that only those eligible to vote are able to do so.
I oppose and object to attempts to introduce any other form of absent voting such as by online or by text, as the legitimacy of such votes can be compromised. If I have my way, unless there is a genuine need for a postal ballot, voters will only be able to cast their vote in polling stations. Express.
Paul Nuttall is UKIP Deputy Leader, and MEP for the North West.

Classy Shakespearean Insults.

"If My Theory Be True ..." (Irreducible Complexity.)

One of the most important concepts that one must employ when questioning Darwinist theory in the light of scientific discoveries is without a doubt the criterion that Darwin himself employed. In The Origin of Species, Darwin put forward a number of concrete criteria suggesting how his theory might be tested and, if found wanting, disproved. Many passages in his book begin, "If my theory be true," and in these Darwin describes the discoveries his theory requires. One of the most important of these criteria concerns fossils and "transitional forms." In earlier chapters, we examined how these prophecies of Darwin's did not come true, and how, on the contrary, the fossil record completely contradicts Darwinism.
In addition to these, Darwin gave us another very important criterion by which to test his theory. This criterion is so important, Darwin wrote, that it could cause his theory to be absolutely broken down:
If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find out no such case. 348
We must examine Darwin's intention here very carefully. As we know, Darwinism explains the origin of life with two unconscious natural mechanisms: natural selection and random changes (in other words, mutations). According to Darwinist theory, these two mechanisms led to the emergence of the complex structure of living cells, as well as the anatomical systems of complex living things, such as eyes, ears, wings, lungs, bat sonar and millions of other complex system designs.
However, how is it that these systems, which possess incredibly complicated structures, can be considered the products of two unconscious natural effects? At this point, the concept Darwinism applies is that of "reducibility." It is claimed that these systems can be reduced to very basic states, and that they may have then developed by stages. Each stage gives a living thing a little more advantage, and is therefore chosen by natural selection. Then, later, there will be another small, chance development, and that too will be preferred because it affords an advantage, and the process will go on in this way. Thanks to this, according to the Darwinist claim, a species which originally possessed no eyes will come to possess perfect ones, and another species which was formerly unable to fly, will grow wings and be able to do so.
This story is explained in a very convincing and reasonable manner in evolutionist sources. But when one goes into it in a bit more detail, a great error appears. The first aspect of this error is a subject we have already studied in earlier pages of this book: Mutations are destructive, not constructive. In other words, chance mutations that occur in living creatures do not provide them any "advantages," and, furthermore, the idea that they could do this thousands of times, one after the other, is a dream that contradicts all scientific observations.
But there is yet another very important aspect to the error. Darwinist theory requires all the stages from one point to another to be individually "advantageous." In an evolutionary process from A to Z (for instance, from a wingless creature to a winged one), all the "intermediate" stages B, C, D, …V, W, X, and Y along the way have to provide advantages for the living thing in question. Since it is not possible for natural selection and mutation to consciously pick out their targets in advance, the whole theory is based on the hypothesis that living systems can be reduced to discrete traits that can be added on to the organism in small steps, each of which carries some selective advantage. That is why Darwin said, "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."
Given the primitive level of science in the nineteenth century, Darwin may have thought that living things possess a reducible structure. But twentieth century discoveries have shown that many systems and organs in living things cannot be reduced to simplicity. This fact, known as "irreducible complexity," definitively destroys Darwinism, just as Darwin himself feared.

Extremists FREE To Travel To The UK.


The Planned EU Superstate.

This Blog Has An Aim, Lord.

Theresa Making The Case FOR Brexit Now?

The Great Undeported!

Free to walk our streets, 1,000 European criminals including rapists and drugs dealers we should have deported when they were released from prison 

Home Office data proves the number of criminals from Europe who are still in Britain, having served their time in jail, was 1,167 at the end of last year, while 4,217 are still awaiting deportation. Mail.

Elephant In The Room?

Vote Leave To Save NHS.

Today we launched our latest campaign advert which warns of the dangers to the NHS of voting to stay in the EU. We send £350 million to the EU every week, money which would be much better spent on our priorities like the NHS.

Our public services are already under huge pressure from uncontrolled migration. As Michael Gove wrote in the Times today, this will only get worse as countries such as Turkey, Macedonia and Albania join the EU. The Justice Secretary states that ‘we cannot guarantee the same access people currently enjoy to healthcare and housing if these trends continue’.

The only way to take back control of our borders and ease the pressure on our NHS and public services is to Vote Leave on 23 June.

Hebrews 4.

  12)  For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints ...