Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Diane Quits.

To those of us who have engaged in conversations with Diane James and been able to assess her character as well as having our ears close to the ground within the party, this 'shock' resignation as Ukip leader is not quite as much a surprise as you might have thought. 
I recall speaking to her immediately after her excellent speech at the first Doncaster Conference. She was completely and utterly drained after speaking for twenty minutes - and to a highly supportive audience - she seemed floored by what was a situation to enjoy rather than one to have to fight through.
It has taken her just 18 days to discover how difficult, perhaps impossible, the leadership job may be; it was well-known in the party that many others handle stress better than she; most know that she is under massive pressure from her husband's extreme ill health; it was thought clear by many senior party members that she would be unable to unite the warring factions.
There has been a further clue in that the obvious candidate for leader chose not to stand. 
In the last leadership election, Paul Nuttall MEP, chose not to throw his hat into the ring.
It is my firm belief that the Ukip Deputy Leader was the ideal candidate and that maybe he recognised the ultimate poisoned chalice when it was staring him in the face.
I believe that a combination of Paul with Jonathan as his deputy would have been the best combination that Ukip could have mustered, but, even then, would the mission have, indeed, been impossible?

Now That Sounds Like A Plan.

South Dakota may require Louisiana-style Ten Commandments display in public schools. By  Michael Gryboski , Editor Tuesday, January 14, 2025...