Apologetics and the Triune God of Creation.
by Simon Turpin on October 3, 2016
Our belief in the triune nature of God is fundamental in defending the
truth of the Christian faith. It is this belief that separates us from every
other religion.
The doctrine of the Trinity states that in the unity of the Godhead there
are three eternal and coequal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three
are the same in essence but distinct in role. Each is a separate person, yet
each is identified as God: Father (1 Corinthians
8:6), Son (John
20:28; Titus
2:13), and Spirit (Acts
5:3–4). For example, with regards to
the doctrine of creation, the Bible clearly teaches that the creation of the
world was brought about by the triune God. While the Father is at the forefront
in the work of creation (1 Corinthians
8:6), the work of the Son is recognized
1:1–3; Colossians
1:16; Hebrews
1:2), as is the work of the Holy Spirit
1:2; Job
26:13, 33:4; Psalm
Today, however, one of the primary problems in Christian apologetics is
that when many Christians defend the faith they end up defending a generic
theism. We must realize that theism does not equal Christianity. If all we do is
prove that there is something out there that is bigger and better than us, then
we have not defended the Christian faith.
Many Christians tend to defend a generic theism because of an assumed
neutrality between Christians and non-Christians in their apologetic
methodology. The problem with this is that the unbeliever, by virtue of his
unbelief, will take any given evidence and interpret it according to his
unbelief (Acts
17:23; cf. Romans
1:18). By thinking there is neutrality
when it comes to interpreting God’s world, we often give up the very authority
that we are called to stand on: Scripture (Titus
1:9). We need to realize the
theological reality that God is our Creator and man is in rebellion against Him
1:18–32). Therefore, you cannot base
your apologetic methodology on the unbiased decisions of fallen man, because he
will not make unbiased decisions (Romans
8:6–8; 1 Corinthians
2:14). God’s creatures have no right to
judge the existence of their Creator.
The main problem with trying to defend a generic theism is that theists
will face the same judgment as nontheists (John
5:25–29). We are saved from the wrath
of God by the grace of God, which comes through the gospel of Jesus Christ, not
by believing in a generic theism (seeActs
17:30–31; Romans
10:9, 17). Salvation is an action on
the part of the triune God because all three members of the Trinity were
involved in redeeming humanity. We were chosen by the Father (Ephesian 1:4),
redeemed by Jesus (Ephesians
1:7), and sealed by the Holy Spirit
As Christians we are not supposed to make theists out of people; we are
called to defend the Christian faith (1 Peter
3:15). This means sharing what the
triune God of creation has done for us in the gospel (1 Corinthians