Saturday, December 17, 2016

Join the Prayer Movement for Life!

Join the Prayer Movement for Life!


prayer_for_life_2016Many people wish the abortion debate would just go away. They’re tired of the controversy and name-calling played out almost daily on social media. They’re turned off by harsh rhetoric and careless labels, not to mention constant political bickering.
Perhaps you feel this way. You have a heart for the unborn, but have yet to act on your pro-life sentiments. You want to do something, but see only two options -- pick a fight or avoid the issue in polite company!
But there’s a third option—pray and engage. And get others to join in!. Breakpoint.

Quite So.

The choice: civilisation or barbarism . Now we understand how the Holocaust could have happened. Melanie Phillips Oct 6   We are living thro...