Friday, December 09, 2016

Jonathan Arnott MEP On: A) Lib Dem Irrelevance or B) Institutionalised Bias Against Ukip.

We all recall, I imagine, the scandal which was all over the newspapers because of allegations that the ADDE had mis-spent money. A case in which the European Union acted as judge, jury and executioner, in which the decision was leaked to the press in advance without any possibility of reply, and in which the facts never actually matched what was eventually reported. It was all over the media, despite the ADDE being a completely separate entity to UKIP. Perhaps the ADDE made a mistake, perhaps it did not, certainly the EU's actions in gunning for it were shameful.
But can you imagine what the media would do if there were a genuine scandal about a British political party? Suppose that a Party had failed to declare hundreds of items of General Election expenditure, and that even more money was actually involved than in the previous case. Suppose that the Electoral Commission were to apply the highest possible fine in law, and asked the government to increase its powers because it didn't have sufficient power to deal with the situation properly. Suppose that the matter were so serious that it had been reported to the Metropolitan Police.
That's exactly what has just happened with the Liberal Democrats, so why is it that attacks on UKIP are headline news but if you blink you'll miss the coverage of a much larger Lib Dem scandal?
Do we believe that it's:
A - The Lib Dems are such a political irrelevance now that any story about them just isn't newsworthy, or
B - There's an institutional media bias against UKIP?
I believe that this is both!

Quite So.

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