Monday, December 12, 2016

Letter Ukip Daily.

We in UKIP need to have a far better grasp of what makes Labour voters tick.
My grandfather was a Labour activist before WW2: he fought for trade union rights for agricultural workers; he was scrupulously fair; honest; pragmatic; sacked from two jobs for his support for farm labourers – and a local preacher to boot. He believed in ‘a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay’ – and to him this was a two way process. Labour to a fault; hated Tories; he could never have been realistically called a socialist. He was patriotic too. His type once formed a majority amongst Labour voters – in many ways, perhaps still does.
In his day, the Fabian Society luvvies were only one element of the Labour movement – not the ‘liberal’ control freaks of today who totally dominate the party structure.
These form that sinister element who have attempted to change traditional morality and replace it with the ever vile political correctness which is profoundly despised by so many traditional Labour voters.
We only have to look at Frank Field MP to remind ourselves that there was once a time when Labour MPs consisted of a body of people, many of whom were actually electable.
Labour politics became part of the DNA of local communities which were solidly anti-tory and who would vote Labour as a family, generational thing. Thought was seldom part of voting.
These groups accepted the ‘liberal mindset’ – even if they entirely disagreed with it – a small price to pay to keep the Tories at bay. Now, that price has become too great.
Consider Thurcoft in S. Yorks. It is one of a number of former mining communities sending UKIP councillors to represent them on Rotherham Council. So many are starting to recognise that the Scargills, Blairs, Kinnocks, and especially the Corbyn’s of this world, are not representing the British working class in any way at all. (Ask Jonathan Arnott MEP to tell you about his father-in-law should you happen to run into him.)
Labour voters now see that these politicos have other agendas than what is best for them. They are beginning to spot the overweening hubris which has been the stock-in-trade of Labour politicians for a number of decades.
As a youngster, I could already see this sad process developing way back in the 60s. The penny has been slow to drop with many Labour voters, but latterly, huge numbers of working people are finally seeing what so many established Ukippers have known for a long time, ‘The working man or woman cannot be represented by Islington, dinner party, liberal leftists’.
One extremely vital point to remember is how many of these voters are, by nature, non-Tory centre right. This grouping may even form a majority. They must be our principal target. Many northern Tories would obviously be able to accept that particular pitch from UKIP. Dyed-in-the-wool Lib Dems would hate both it and us. Win/win.
Offer these people honest policies which are equitable and UKIP can take enormous numbers of Labour votes.
Stop the immigration which is stealing so many of their jobs; punish the criminals who wreck their communities; reward honesty and decency; stop the lowlifes who milk the system; sort out the NHS on which they depend; ensure that their kids have the chance of a future etc, etc. These kinds of policies, explained so that all can understand, will attract many people higher up the social ladder too.
What happened in the Headland and Harbour Ward in Hartlepool can happen in many hundreds of others. Win Labour wards and you can start to take Labour constituencies! After all, Labour could not do much more to help us achieve victories than they are doing at present.

Wow, What A Test Match!

RESULT 1st Test, Multan, October 07 - 11, 2024,  England tour of Pakistan . PAK 556  &  220/10 ENG 823/7d      England won by an innings...