Monday, December 05, 2016

"No Popery, There?"

The Evangelical Alliance in Northern Ireland (EANI) has welcomed news that Pope Francis might visit the province in 2018.
Francis is set to visit the Republic of Ireland but speculation that he might cross the border into the North has mounted in recent days.
EANI's public policy officer David Smyth said he wanted to extend a "warm and sincere welcome to the Pope" and hoped that such a welcome would be shown "by the whole community".
"Sometimes we can be concerned that by showing warmth or generosity that that can be misunderstood as endorsing everything someone stands for," he said.
"Maybe we need to be bolder in our welcome."
However, other Protestants are less enamoured with the prospect. Free Presbyterian ministers have said they will protest if the Pope visits the North. Rev Ian Brown, pastor of the Martyr's Memorial Church founded by the late Dr Ian Paisley, told the News Letter that the current Pope was "no closer to proclaiming the one true biblical Gospel – that salvation is by faith alone through Christ alone" – than the Catholic church of Martin Luther's day and "the only proper response to his high publicity visit is a solid protest".
Another Free Presbyterian minister, Rev David McIlveen, said he believed he had a duty to hold a "peaceful protest" as he believed the Pope's office as "Vicar of Christ on earth" usurps the place of Christ. Christianity Today.
I am of the view that there are a great many theological problems with Roman Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Adventism et al. But, however off beam these may have gone - in the essentials - these are still Christian groups. They are not cults of any description. In that case, it seems logical that we should treat them kindly, like wayward prodigals to be welcomed rather than to be railed and ranted against! (After all - is YOUR Church perfect?)

1 Corinthians 6. Believers Must KNOW and Implement What The Lord Teaches Us.

    9  Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolater...