Friday, December 02, 2016

Two Bishops Talking Sense Within A Week? - What Is Happening?

Bishop SLAMS non-believers for making 'victimised' Christians 'afraid to mention religion'.

CHRISTIANS feel so “picked on” by non-believers that they are too scared to mention their religion in everyday conversation, a bishop has warned. Instead "intolerant" liberalism has swept through the UK leaving some churchgoers feeling victimised and afraid to publicly celebrate Christmas as a religious festival.

The Right Reverend Nick Baines, the Bishop of Leeds, said some secularists "have a problem" with Christianity and warned that Britain has now become a nation where people believe you are only acceptable if you accept liberalism.
He said: "Liberalism can become very intolerant of anything that doesn't fit its own parameters."
By PAUL JEEVES, Express.

Learning From Joseph.