Sunday, December 11, 2016

Welby Does The Right Thing - AGAIN!

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby fights ban on persecuted bishops.

THE Archbishop of Canterbury has intervened on behalf of three Christian clergymen from war-torn Iraq and Syria who have been refused entry to Britain. As the Sunday Express reported last week, 

Now the Most Reverend Justin Welby has lobbied MPs, including Immigration Minister Robert Goodwill, on behalf of Nicodemus Daoud Sharaf, Archbishop of Mosul, Timothius Mousa Shamani, Archbishop of St Matthew’s, both in Iraq, and Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh, Archbishop of Homs and Hama in Syria.
The Church of England’s most senior bishop discussed their plight at an Advent Service for MPs last week.

Age UK Campaigns.

Age UK Campaigns. Dear  Sir , Yesterday, Age UK’s own Equality Impact Assessment was released. It presents the true harm of the Winter Fuel ...