Sunday, March 19, 2017

Gary Conway Slams Channel 4 For Unworthy Misleading and Propagandising.

Shame on Channel 4 for broadcasting “Brexit: Crisis on the wards”. This half hour of unsubstantiated opinion was dressed up as fact and intended purely to scare and bully people. Like a Japanese soldier refusing to accept the end of WW2, Channel 4 are still fighting against Brexit, keeping the Project Fear fires burning.
The premise was that we will all suffer and die because Brexit means the NHS won’t have enough nurses. Yes, really. And Channel 4 has the nerve to criticise others for pushing “fake news”.
Some inconvenient facts for the peddlers of propaganda at Channel 4 –
 – A tiny (and I mean tiny) percentage of NHS workers come from EU countries;
– Immigration into the UK from the EU went *UP* in the 6 months after the Brexit vote. If there were fewer nurses amongst the hundreds of thousands of EU citizens still moving to the UK it is for reasons other than Brexit;
– Brexit means *controlled* immigration, not ‘no immigration’. If the UK finds itself short of nurses or any other profession there is no reason why we could not continue to recruit overseas if we want. The NHS has more workers from the Commonwealth than it does from the EU, and we are not in a political union with, nor do we have an open border to, the Commonwealth.
More to the point, there are thousands of people in the UK who want to train to become a nurse, but are turned away. We then poach the nurses we need from other, often poorer, countries. That we are unable to staff the NHS, and must resort to poaching staff trained by other countries, is not something to be proud of.
Please, Channel 4, enough with the baseless scaremongering about Brexit. We are leaving the failed, obsolete, corrupt, costly, anti-democratic EU. We will be breaking down the EU’s trade walls to the rest of the world. Why not showcase some of the golden opportunities that Brexit presents? You could start with half an hour on how UK medicine will once more be a world leader, having been decimated by the EU’s Clinical Trials directive.


Gary Conway

Learning From Joseph.