Friday, March 17, 2017

Michael Brown - Revolutionary.

Michael Brown - Revolutionary.
To the core of my being, I am a revolutionary.
I eat, drink, breathe, and sleep revolution.
Revolution is in my blood, and it is in my blood because of Jesus, the ultimate Revolutionary, the one who came into this world to bring about radical, dramatic, sweeping change through His death, resurrection, teaching, example, and empowerment.
I cannot separate Jesus from revolution any more than I can separate Jesus from redemption and reconciliation.
Jesus did not come into this world to leave things as they were, and the final commission He gave to His disciples (known as the Great Commission) was a call to change the world with Him.
To be perfectly clear, the revolution Jesus started was totally different from the bloody, violent revolutions that we have seen throughout history, where one despotic power is replaced by another despotic power and where things go from bad to worse in the name of revolution.

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