According to Radio Humberside, taking into account inflation from 2000 when they were just 10p, the current price should be just 15p. (Naturally, Cadbury transparently chose to blame Brexit!)
All of which brings us to my visit to a shop yesterday where Picnic bars - also made by Cadbury - were on sale in packs of four.
I took one from the shelf and could feel the size through the covering packet. These, once wonderful bars, were a fraction of the size they used to be. Consequently, I returned them to the shelf. I have noted before on this Blog, just how little actual chocolate goes into bars of this type.
Meanwhile, at ALDI, the ripoff mentality is difficult to find.
No such ripoffs with ALDI's excellent Racer bars!
Cadbury? - Get stuffed - I now boycott you as you so thoroughly deserve.
BTW the quality of high cocoa content chocolate bars in LIDL also puts Cadbury and other top names to shame and also undermines their basic argument.