Thursday, March 02, 2017


It's time for a bit of light relief from all the tension of politics over the last week.
Our General Secretary, Jonathan Arnott MEP, is trying to raise money for charity - by stepping into a boxing ring at the home of boxing, London's York Hall. If that wasn't enough, his opponent is an anti-Brexit Liberal Democrat, so I'm sure you can imagine the atmosphere on the night will be electric. It gets even stranger than that: the match is 'chessboxing': players alternate rounds of speed chess and boxing until finally there's a winner either by checkmate or knockout. And while Jonathan Arnott may be a novice boxer, he's pretty decent at chess and has competed in international events before.

Jonathan is trying to support his colleague's bid to raise money for the Ally Cadence Trust for Spinal Muscular Atrophy. 
Wayne Harling, who's an ex-UKIP NEC member and now works for UKIP Leader Paul Nuttall MEP and Louise Bours MEP, had a baby daughter who sadly passed away in October from Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Jonathan is trying to help raise money in her memory. The charity supported Wayne and his wife Lizzie through an incredibly tough and sad time.
The event will take place on Saturday April 1st at 7pm, but the date is certainly no joke. Jonathan has been working hard to shed the pounds so that he's ready for what promoters are calling 'a headline bout with political clout'. 
If you want to donate to this worthwhile cause (this will NOT get you tickets to attend the event) please click here:
If you want to turn up on the day and buy tickets to the event (this won't help the charity but Jonathan would certainly appreciate our support on the night) then please click here:
Let's make more noise than the Remainers! 

Assisted Dying.

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