Sunday, April 30, 2017

Wasted Food Levels To Be Reduced. (And Not Before Time!)

Households throw out more than £10bn worth of food every year, which costs the average person £200 annually and contributes to climate change, a new report has found. Mail.
(Another body blow for The EU!)

Today Only: Meerkat In Silhouette Stands In For Birdies.

34 Years Ago.

About 37 years ago, I was one of the central cogs in a school Christian Fellowship group and, inter al, we helped a charming young lady called Judith to find the Saviour.
I met her again last night for the first time in 34 years. It was a joy to see her and to hear her wonderful testimony.
But it did not end there. She updated us on her brilliant friend, whom she had, in turn, led to Christ with our assistance, and who went on to become a Doctor. 
That lady is now on the point of retiring and going to work in the mission field in Africa with her husband.
Great to hear, after all of this time, how the seeds planted so very long ago are still bearing fine fruit. Hallelujah!

Egypt - The Unhappy Details.

egyptAt least 45 people died when bombs went off in two church services earlier this month – one in Tanta in the Nile Delta region and one in Alexandria. Both were timed to coincide with Palm Sunday celebrations – for maximum impact.
Please pray that God will comfort His people in Egypt, especially those in Tanta and Alexandria affected by yesterday’s attacks.
The first bomb went off inside St George’s Church in Tanta, about 60 miles north of Cairo. The explosion, near the altar, left at least 29 people dead, including the church leader and choir, according to a Release partner; 75 others were injured. That church was targeted by bombers last month, but on that occasion the device was found and defused.
In the second attack yesterday, a suicide bomber detonated his device outside St Mark’s Cathedral in Alexandria, killing at least 16 people and injuring 33. The dead included security officials who caught the bomber trying to avoid the metal detector. Tawadros II, leader of Alexandria’s Coptic Church, was leading a Palm Sunday service in the cathedral but was reported to be unharmed.
A Release partner said last night: ‘May God have mercy on our country and may the prayers of the church beyond our borders be a source of strength to the Egyptian church, which [has] stood strong against persecution for 14 centuries.’
Islamic State (IS) has since claimed responsibility for yesterday’s attacks. Our partner believes that IS fighters recruited in Egypt and battle-hardened in Syria and Iraq are now returning to launch attacks on home soil. IS released a video in February calling on its followers to kill Egyptian Christians.
Nine Christians were brutally killed in the northern coastal city of al-Arish in North Sinai within ten days earlier this year, according to Release partners. Many Christians fled the area after IS warned the
m to leave or face being killed. Last December, an explosion in the chapel adjacent to St Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo left 25 dead. Release International.

EXPECT Answers From God.

Oh. I Thought It Meant Miner.

Corruption Perceptions Index.

Weak Pound Boosts Manufacturing Exports!

A report showing the strongest increase in manufacturing export orders in six years has been welcomed by North East MEP Jonathan Arnott.
The weak pound is making UK goods more competitive and demand from non EU markets has improved at a record pace. The demand from domestic customers is also at the strongest for three years;
A survey by the Confederation of British Industry also showed that expectations for export orders are at their at their strongest level in more than two years.

What The Word 'Sexist' Was Designed For.

Where Do You Stand Politically? - Find Out!

Jesus & False Prophets.

Paul Nuttall To Stand In Boston And ...

Ukip vows to axe TV licence fee as part of £400 windfall for families.

UKIP will pledge to scrap the TV licence fee as part of a promised £400-a-year windfall for families. The news comes as leader Paul Nuttall announced he is to stand in June’s – a seat that voted overwhelming for Brexit. 

In a major speech in London this week, economic spokesman Patrick O’Flynn will declare: “It is time to axe the TV tax.”
Other tax-cutting measures in ’s plan to help ordinary families with living costs will include scrapping green taxes and levies, taking domestic energy bills out of VAT and abolishing VAT on women’s sanitary products and hot takeaway meals such as fish and chips.
But it is the proposed axing of the £147 TV licence that is likely to prove most controversial. 
The Ukip plan would see the fee phased out over three years, cut to £100 in year one, £50 in year two and then eliminated by the third year. 
Mr O’Flynn will say that such a phased winding down of the charge will give BBC bosses time to negotiate with the Government the conditions on which it would enter the market for subscriptions and advertising as a new source of funding. Express.

It Always Has Been Thus.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Political Analysis Of Self.

Your political beliefs would be considered moderately Right-Wing on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to support policies that promote economic freedom and a society based on morals and values.
I have just completed a lengthy and very detailed online political survey. These were my results. No surprises here at all.
Even so, I still prefer to consider myself anti-left-wing rather than anything more specific.

Labour Are SO Crazy - They Are Not Even True To Themselves!

Labour branded ‘HYPOCRITES’ after blocking plan to crackdown on £8.6 billion tax avoidance.

LABOUR has been accused of blocking a planned crackdown on tax avoidance which would have raised £8.6billion for the Treasury, it has been revealed.

Jeremy Corbyn hypocriteGETTY
Jeremy Corbyn's party has been blasted as a bunch of hypocrites
Jeremy Corbyn's party allegedly forced three measures to be dropped from the Governments’s finance bill earlier this week.
The measures rejected by the party included a fine on accountants who help their clients dodge tax, as well as a plan to close non-dom loopholes which would have saved the Government £1.6billion by 2022. Express.

Democracy Kitty In 'The Dead Cat Election'.

Lynton Crosby, the election guru behind David Cameron’s unexpected and stunning 2015 General Election success, developed an electioneering tactic metaphorically described as ‘throwing a dead cat on the table’. Whilst some people would naturally be appalled by such a sight, more importantly all would be excitedly distracted by it. The news cycle would focus, even temporarily, away from other topics, such as the rising popularity of political opponents. Mr Crosby appears to be playing an important part in Mrs May’s 2017 General Election campaign, so we can expect some dead cats on table in the coming weeks. More intriguingly, is the whole election a deployed MOAB, (May’s Opposition Annihilation Bombshell) or (Moggie Obscuring Actual Blunders) or something of both?    
These are uncertain times and, the risk of a force majeure event resulting in failure to get a majority is still there. However, there are several major instances of potential ‘bad news’ that could justify the risks of a General Election in order to get buried. Not in any order of importance these are:
  1. Potential criminal prosecutions of, reportedly, up to 30 Conservative Members of Parliament or election agents for contraventions of election law arising from the 2015 General Election;
  2. Embarrassing government policy and other failures revealed through statistics or leaks;
  3. Major concessions (by Mrs May’s to the EU) arising from the BREXIT negotiations;
  4. Major policy ‘U’ turns – generally or relating to BREXIT.
These are considered below:
(a)   Prosecutions, if there are prima facie cases to answer, could well go ahead whatever happens in the forthcoming General Election. However, Mrs May’s government would be in a stronger position to disassociate itself from the events of the 2015 General Election (under Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne) leaving any actual wrongdoers to be ‘hung out to dry’ alone. The adverse publicity footprint, especially during and immediately after the 2017 General Election could be quite small compared to if the news media and political commentariat were not distracted. And there would be no forced, uncomfortable by-elections to correct election cheating.
(b)   The longer in power the more opportunities for reality to come far short of expectations and political rhetoric. There is only so much failure that spin and stonewalling can conceal about, for example, the economy, personal earnings, the deficit and national debt, waste, bureaucracy, over-taxation, crime or mass immigration. Hence having a few dead cats in the bag for emergencies would be useful. A General Election against an inept opposition should produce many for future service in preserving Mrs May’s personal reputation and the government’s generally.
(c)   We are beginning to get a clearer picture of the European Union’s (EU’s) negotiating demands, and it doesn’t look encouraging, especially in the light of Mrs May’s declared aspirations. Particularly worrying must be: the EU’s demands for money; desire to continue imposing their rules upon us after BREXIT; wish to make us worse off than if we’d stayed (to discourage the others); order of negotiations (the free trade agreement being agreed only after we have left the EU); insistence that ‘nothing is agreed until everything is agreed’; and land grab in Gibraltar. These potential ‘spanners in the works’ are likely to be settled by concessions by our side, if any progress is to be made on getting a comprehensive free trade agreement done and dusted on time. A large majority of loyal acolytes in Parliament would be helpful when being pushed becomes being shoved.
(d)   Announcing an early General Election is a major ‘U’ turn, so this lady is definitely for turning. This may not be a bad thing when circumstances change. There is scant evidence that the Government actually understands the complexity of BREXIT. So far we have heard about aspirations. But nothing much else to assure us everything is under control. Rather, it looks more like inactivity and panic reign supreme in the BREXIT corridors of negotiating power. If the ‘wake up calls’ about unachievable aspirations are only now arriving on Mrs May’s desk, ‘U’ turns, for example, on the Single Market membership and ‘Transitional’ agreements over extended time must be possible, if not inevitable. The biggest potential ‘U’ turn is that we are actually staying in the EU (even if membership is disguised by calling it something else).
The Official Opposition in Parliament doesn’t appear to require annihilation from the outside, they’re doing an excellent self-extinction job. However, all’s fair in love, war and politics hence the temptation to savage them if possible. There is also a need for Mrs May to build up protection against ‘friendly fire’ and potential regicide from within the Conservative Party.  Trouble-makers exist amongst EU-fanatics (a dwindling number) and, possibly, the very hard Brexiteers.  A General Election triumph would obviously provide some respite, and the aftermath an opportunity to clear the decks of obvious mischief makers, clowns, incompetents, Cameroons and Europhile fellow-travellers and impose May-ism (if there is such a pragmatic or ideological thing; the 2017 manifesto could help here).
Is Mrs May developing the ultimate Doomsday regime change weapon that could alter the balance of power in negotiating BREXIT?  So much about Mrs May’s strategy and real motivation for calling an early General Election appears hush-hush. She has always seemed to be bigger on rhetoric than results, whilst being somewhat calculating and cautious. Yet by accident or design, the 8th of June 2017 could mark the first test firing of the Mayhattan Project. Ruling elite observers will be watching the blast of democracy from the apparent safety of their Brussels bunker and European capitals. Depending upon the size of the blast for BREXIT, they could ‘have kittens’, and grant negotiating concessions. How else to pre-empt similar democratic eruptions amongst their increasingly disillusioned populations? Contagious popular revolution against autocracy has happened before in mainland Europe, particularly in 1848.  
 ‘Whatever happens we have got the Democracy Kitty and EU have not!’ Nigel Moore. Ukip Daily.

FGM - Ukip Ahead Of The Curve.

by Paul Nuttall
April 25, 2017
The Westminster Bubble is back at the laughing at UKIP stage and it’s a disgrace given the importance of the issues we are raising.
On the question of Female Genital Mutilation, nobody has ever been convicted in the UK despite the practice being illegal for over 30 years. Yet in the year 2015-2016 according to research from the Royal College of Nursing 5,700 blameless young girls were mutilated, out of a total of over 60,000 women who have suffered.
Yet yesterday when Margot Parker, my excellent Women and Equalities spokesman, raised the issue she was derided and greeted with horror but as she pointed out: “The French have performed rather better than we have in the UK . In the past 34 years there have been 29 trials, in which 100 people—both parents and cutters—have been convicted…. Another thing that happens in France is systematic examination of girls for signs of FGM during health checks. We have to look at that.”
Oh sorry, that quote wasn’t Margot, but Dianne Abbott, the Shadow Home Secretary only 3 years ago, suggesting to Parliament what is now settled UKIP policy. Did we hear the howls of outrage then? Of course not. The practice is evil and as a nation, a society and a culture we have a duty to the thousands of innocent girls threatened with brutality and permanent ill health to stamp it out. Rather than pay lip service we as a nation have a duty to act.
Likewise, when France, Belgium, the Netherlands banned face covering were their politicians didn’t put up with ridiculous questions about whether they would ban big hats and glasses. When Angela Merkel suggested the same policy did the British press go into paroxysms of giggles? No of course not.
The fact is that in an opinion poll less than a year old a majority of all parties’ supporters supported the introduction of such measures in the UK. It would be a measure that would state categorically that in the country while we welcome all religions, we do not welcome the subjugation of women. If we are to defend the fundamental concept of equality and importantly equality in the law then this is a measure whose time has come, as even the avowedly centrist EPP group in the European Parliament accept.
Yet again it appears that UKIP speaks while other parties dither and, as with Brexit we are laughed at, derided and held in contempt. It’s alright, we are used to it, we can cope, but we were right over Brexit and we are right about this. Right now, the coddled elite are laughing at us, but that will change, and we will be proud to have lead this debate as we have lead others before.
As that famous quote goes, ‘First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.’ Guess what? They laughed at us 15 years ago when we talked about EU withdrawal, and we well know what happened next.

Sri Lanka - Prayer Needed. pray for a pastor in Sri Lanka’s Kalutara district whose home has been attacked twice in the space of two days.
The pastor received a letter from a local official stating that his religious worship activities were not registered and that he could only continue with them if he registered in accordance with the 2008 Circular* issued by the Ministry of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs.
A little while later, on Saturday and Monday, his home was pelted with stones, the first time for more than an hour. The pastor, who has conducted religious worship activities in the area for the past 17 years, has lodged complaints with the police.
  • Pray for protection for this pastor and his congregation.
  • Pray that church leaders in rural areas of Sri Lanka would not be intimidated by officials’ use of the 2008 Circular.
  • Pray that our petition to the Sri Lankan Government calling for the repeal of Circular 2008 would succeed. Release Int.

Macron v Le Pen Update.

God's Compassion.

Thomas Sowell - What A Mind!


Labour's In A Reet Kerfuffle Ower Brexit!

Greek Mythology.

ONE Of The Fatal FlawS of Liberalism.


The Miracle of Safe Water.

‘Our children used to suffer from diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid, cholera and other diseases – especially during the rain. Can anyone ever be happy with collecting drinking water from an area when there are other people defecating upstream?’
This was the grim reality of life for mother Gbonyana and the rest of the inhabitants of Karquekpo, a village in one of the most disadvantaged areas of Liberia.
Due to bad road conditions and broken bridges Karquekpo is almost completely inaccessible, meaning that people’s most basic needs, including safe water and sanitation, have been neglected.
The only source of water available in Karquekpo was a stream. A stream that people would defecate in. Gbonyana says, ‘I used to walk miles to fetch water from a very dirty stream and would come home very tired with contaminated water. There was no safe water available and we had to manage with what we could get.’
Destined for a better future
Tearfund partner AEL (The Association of Evangelicals) provided three water pumps and one motorised well for the people of Karquekpo. They also provided technical training so that the community would be able to maintain the equipment in the long term, without the need for any future assistance.
‘Now with safer water in place, we are destined for a better future,’ says Gbonyana. ‘This pump will really save lives. Our water collection time has reduced and fights for water are now history. Before this we thought there was no way out, but now we have hope that our community will receive more blessings.’
‘I believe it was God who worked this miracle for us. We had no hopes of getting safe water, thinking our children will always drink the dirty water and get sick, but God intervened and for this we are grateful’.


  • Pray for provision for more wells in Karquekpo and the surrounding area, as there are still only enough for a third of the population.
  • Thank God that Gbonyana and her family now have access to safe water, and pray that this will be a catalyst for further positive change in their lives.
  • Pray that we never take things like safe water for granted, but do our best to look after this precious resource.

Friday, April 28, 2017

General Election? - Why Not Vote For Socialism?

Sentences Were Derisory.

I watched a TV programme yesterday about three very serious crimes being investigated by Lancashire police. 
The sentences imposed on an arsonist who tried to kill and the deliberate stabbing of a young man which came within a whisker of taking his life brought sentences which can only be described as trivial.
The Post Office armed robbery in Rishton - aided by a corrupt counter clerk - stole £186,000, most of which was not recovered.
The counter clerk got TWO years as did two of the other members of the gang. A fourth man got three.
At the latest, these men will be back on the streets in 18 months - AND they seemingly get to keep the cash!
Civil proceedings to recover the monies will clearly be necessary.
Just how low has our injustice system sunk?

Even As A Broken Clock Is Right Twice Daily - Even The SNP Can Be Right Sometimes!

THE House of Lords is a “democratic abomination” that should be scrapped, the SNP’s Europe spokesman claimed on Question Time.

Do Not Lose Heart.

Corporate Bullying In China.

Good On 'em!

Please Pray For Felix

Felix Ngole, 39, from South Yorkshire, said he had been lawfully expressing a traditional Christian view and Sheffield University bosses stopped him completing a degree. Mail.

Orban Faces Down The EU.

Unprepossessing Birdie.

More Scientific Mumbo Jumbo Exposed As Trash.

The idea that saturated fats clog up arteries and therefore causes heart disease is “plain wrong”, experts have claimed.
Writing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM), three cardiologists said that saturated fats - found in butter, lard, sausages, bacon, cheese and cream - do not clog the arteries.
To truly champion heart health, the nation’s focus should be shifted away from lowering fats and cutting out dietary saturated fat, they said. Aol News.
(Saturated fats - wasn't he a famous pool player?)

Never Forget ...

Hungary: Nice One, Nigel.

It's time for Hungary to join the Brexit Club, Mr Orban!

Posted on April 26
Speaking today to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Brussels UKIP’s Nigel Farage called for the Hungarian people to have their own chance to regain their freedom and independence from the EU. He also complemented Orbán’s resistance to different European policies but slammed the outrageous level of interference the institutions are now showing in national politics
Nigel Farage MEP said: “You spoke today, and you behaved today, as the leader of a nation. But isn’t it becoming obvious that as a member of the European Union actually you are not a nation. No, you’re not the leader of a nation and these people will go on interfering in the lives of Hungarian people.
”Surely logic says its time you gave the Hungarian people a referendum on whether they stay part of the European Union or not. Who knows, you might come and join the Brexit club and then we could fight for a group of democratic states working together, trading together and put this nonsense behind us.”

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Truly Brilliant Estas Tonne - VERY Highly Recommended. Have You Ever seen A Better Guitarist?

Catholic Bishop Retires To Become Evangelist.

An elderly Italian bishop is retiring early in order to become an evangelist.
Bishop Gianfranco Todisco, 71, doesn't see his role as head of the Melfi-Rapolla-Venosa diocese in Basilicata, southern Italy, as fulfilling his evangelistic calling. So he is giving up the role to move overseas. His request to leave early, before the mandatory retirement age of 75, was granted by the Vatican last week.
Bishop Gianfranco Todisco has been granted early retirement to return to the mission field.YouTube


Airport Ripoff Merchants.

Duty free? You can save more at the supermarket: Study finds spirits, chocolate and electronics are often cheaper elsewhere.
Consumer group Which? Travel says duty free shopping could be more pricey than supermarkets. A study found chocolate, gin, and a memory card were cheaper in the supermarkets than airports. Mail.

A Rare Delve Into Hosea.

Well Said, Your Honour.
Appearing on Good Morning Britain, Lindsey Kushner (pictured) said her comments were similar to warning people about locking their doors to protect themselves from burglars. Mail.
