Saturday, April 29, 2017

Labour Are SO Crazy - They Are Not Even True To Themselves!

Labour branded ‘HYPOCRITES’ after blocking plan to crackdown on £8.6 billion tax avoidance.

LABOUR has been accused of blocking a planned crackdown on tax avoidance which would have raised £8.6billion for the Treasury, it has been revealed.

Jeremy Corbyn hypocriteGETTY
Jeremy Corbyn's party has been blasted as a bunch of hypocrites
Jeremy Corbyn's party allegedly forced three measures to be dropped from the Governments’s finance bill earlier this week.
The measures rejected by the party included a fine on accountants who help their clients dodge tax, as well as a plan to close non-dom loopholes which would have saved the Government £1.6billion by 2022. Express.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?