The starting point in the url below, whether openly stated or not, is
that 'religion of all types is merely some form of social or
mental aberration'.
Normal thinkers will always accept that 'Either all
religions are wrong - or just one is right.' (Anything else leaves people
holding totally illogical, conflicting views.)
This article, however, begins with the apparent
assumption that 'religion is a thing with no relationship to the divine - as it
is obvious to rational people that there can be no such
The arrogance of this stance is
I could give my testimony to the writer of this piece
and she must conclude that I am either a liar or a nut job.
It would not take too long in conversation with me to
reject the latter and so the former would need to be the
My testimony is both long and broad and points
so unarguably to there being a loving God - any unbeliever who is not open to
logic will have to hunt, in full panic mode, for some alternative explanation.
They may not say it in as many words but would be
forced to conclude, for their own peace of mind, that dishonesty on my part was
They would be wrong.