Sunday, April 30, 2017

34 Years Ago.

About 37 years ago, I was one of the central cogs in a school Christian Fellowship group and, inter al, we helped a charming young lady called Judith to find the Saviour.
I met her again last night for the first time in 34 years. It was a joy to see her and to hear her wonderful testimony.
But it did not end there. She updated us on her brilliant friend, whom she had, in turn, led to Christ with our assistance, and who went on to become a Doctor. 
That lady is now on the point of retiring and going to work in the mission field in Africa with her husband.
Great to hear, after all of this time, how the seeds planted so very long ago are still bearing fine fruit. Hallelujah!

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?