Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Remoaners Talking Cobblers - As Usual.

Brexit capital "open to the world" says UKIP Councillor as Remain paper snubs Skegness

UKIP County Councillor Victoria Ayling has slammed comments in an internal email from 'The New European' which claimed Brexit could 'close down' Skegness.
In an accidentally published email from the Pro EU paper, staff promoted provoked anger in the very pro-Brexit town taunting 'there is an opportunity to stir up some controversy locally'.
Responding to the story, Mrs Ayling dismissed the claims as "nonsense from the losing side" and added "The EU was almost the death knell not only for Skegness but for the much of the coast of the UK thanks to its poaching of our fishing industry and the money it sapped from the UK treasury to send abroad."

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?