Friday, December 01, 2017

Christians Are Allowed To Hate Systems And Evil.

I believe that I am entitled to hate all of the following, provided I try my level best to still love those responsible:-
1) Atheism.
2) Agnosticism based on a failure to seek truth.
3) Political correctness.
4) Unpunished crime.
5) Abortion.
6) Fundamental unfairness.
7) Anti-racism when it is more extreme than actual racism.
8) Multi-faith.
9) Multi-culture.
10) The hard left.
11) The liberal left.
12) Cults.
13) The liberal church.
14) Abortion.
15) The cult of personality.
16) False religions.
17) The EU.
18) Loss of our cultural identity.
19) Governments which interfere instead of letting people get on with their lives.
20) Comprehensive schooling.
21) Bureaucracy.
22) Disrespect of courts by offenders, solicitors and barristers.
23) That I have to pay taxes to support the underclass.
24) Pacifism - even though I would go to incredible lengths to avoid war and

25) Those makers' name tags in the back of shirts which make your neck sore.

Hebrews 4.

  12)  For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints ...