Monday, July 16, 2018

Eating With Publicans And Sinners.

Yesterday morning, I listened to a representative of 'LGBT christians' (whatever they might be) on the radio.
He claimed that Jesus mixed with sinners ergo, He would have gone on Pride marches.

There really has to be a special place reserved in hell for those who twist Scripture to justify their own sinful actions. My pity for this poor man filled me and almost brought me to tears.
Jesus died to SAVE these people not to condemn them but they are simply condemning themselves!

Yes, Jesus may well have attended Pride marches, as claimed, but hardly to further a sinful cause. He would have tried to see them saved. Wanton, self-justifying sin is a block to salvation.
We all sin - but must never claim that 'it is a good thing' if we are to access the love and grace of God.
God punishes unrepented sin. End of!
Take the woman at the well. Did Jesus leave her after having endorsed her lifestyle? - Most emphatically NOT.

Two further points:
1) If you are a serial killer or rapist or thief - you would not generally claim that what you do has God's blessing - so why with this? How about a 'christian child molesters march?' The logic is virtually identical.

2) There are those who have tried to escape the clear teachings of Scripture to justify their own conduct. Incidentally, were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed for not being sufficiently politically correct or ...?

In the card game of life, we must all play the hand we are dealt. In whatever condition we find ourselves, we must become attuned to God. It ain't easy!
I hold no hatred at all for homosexuals - indeed I have friends who are thus.
All I want is for these God-loved people to avoid hell and to stop preparing a path for others to end up there.
I love them and want the best for them - which apparently, and rather curiously, in our wretched age - makes what I have written 'a hate crime'.
No it is not. It is me proffering people the love of God which can only be achieved through repentance. 'A crime of loving those facing perdition', perhaps?

Elephantine Tragedies.