Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Treason By The Lords.

Lords betray the common people

Recently, an amendment in the House of Lords calling for the UK to continue in a customs union with the EU passed by a majority of 123 votes. The vote, tabled by crossbencher Lord Kerr was backed by several senior Tories, as well as Labour and the Lib Dems.

UKIP Leader Gerard Batten was outraged by the result of the vote, describing it as a betrayal of the people.

Mr Batten said:

“The vote by the House of Lords to remain in the Customs Union is a clear betrayal of the 17.4 million people who voted Leave. Those people did not vote to be half in, half out of the EU.
“The Commons must reject the Kerr Amendment or put itself in opposition to the people.
“Lord Kerr was the man who drafted Article 50 in such a way that EU exit can be delayed, impeded and overturned. Acting true to form he is now trying to carry it through to its purpose. 

“UKIP will continue to fight for a complete and clean exit from the EU.”
UKIP Deputy Leader Mike Hookem also commented on the result, saying:
"The vote in the Lords is little more than Labour and the Liberal Democrats ramming policy through the Lords they have no majority to implement in the House of Commons."
"Therefore, I will continue UKIP's long-standing campaign for a total reform of the House of Lords, to deliver the real democracy the British people crave."

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