Thursday, October 04, 2018

Sajid Javid - Is He The Real Deal?

It is many a moon since the UK had a Home Secretary who was actively opposed to crime.
Sajid Javid - if he actually means what he is saying - is now talking about genuinely attacking the roots of the drug problem - USERS. Middle class users are a particular target of his.
I must not get too excited, though - Tories who 'talk tough' on crime have been two-a-penny over my lifetime.
Very few have actively attacked the roots of crime by toughening up our so-called justice system.
Of course, if he really does mean what he is saying - it is almost inevitable that our ultra-liberal Tory friends will decide to shuffle him into a post where his common sense cannot offend their weak-as-ditchwater sensibilities.

Elephantine Tragedies.