These may not be in the majority but are still a significant voice and are certainly a much larger group than their perceived current numbers might suggest as many establishment scientists dare not take the career-destroying step of being labelled as a 'denier'.
The Beeb took the argument then wheeled out their guy-in-charge who had the astonishing effrontery to claim that the 'science is now settled'.
I must ask - does he honestly believe that? - If so, he is not fit to hold any position of authority greater than that of running a whelk stall.
I do not write this as 'a denier'. I am merely someone who is profoundly suspicious.
There has been far too much deceit and dishonesty. This, as much from the work of Al Gore, which was barely the work of a 'D' grade sixth former (and lauded as if Holy Writ), to the wanton dishonesty of a certain university in the East of England.
One must ask - why are there so many scores of examples? - If this were all true - why would propagandising the people even be necessary?