Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Kate Is Usually More Sensible Than To Think Good Sense Can Emanate From Jeremy.

1 JANUARY 2019 • 3:55PM
Backing a "no deal" Brexit could be a great opportunity for the Labour leader

Since 17.4 million people voted to Leave the European Union in 2016 the Government has wasted time indulging in feeble negotiations. These have eventually yielded a Withdrawal Agreement that wouldn’t actually withdraw us from very much.
Now, though, a window of opportunity is opening up for the UK. Beyond the smokescreen of confusion within our majority Remain Parliament, a straightforward path to economic development, political stability and true national sovereignty has emerged. If the Government won’t take it, then it is a golden opportunity for the Labour Party.
Jeremy Corbyn should take the lead by calling for the UK to leave the entanglements of the Brussels bureaucracy.

A Church Ditches Digital.