Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Double Minded?

A Jewish Museum touting Evolution and an Aussie State Premier doing a double blast blaming recent tragic Townsville floods on human based climate change, both remind us of that ancient prayer: ‘Deliver us oh Lord from the double standards that fill our world’. Our Aussie Premier’s report fills a page in today’s Queensland Courier Mail, while tucked away in the regular item on Events 10, 20, 100 years ago etc, is the fact that on this day (20th February) 80 years ago, major flooding ripped out massive amounts of railway in North Queensland. Perhaps there wasn’t enough people to have caused floods back then, eh? Yet 50 years ago when I worked in North Queensland, the main problem with February travel was to be blocked by major floods. Back then peoples’ attitudes were “floods are an act of God”, not an act of Government. Such a generic Creator based attitude was also a main reason they didn’t go out and commit suicide after the farm collapsed due to fire, flood or famine. So don’t be surprised that an essentially atheistic state sponsored evolutionist education has been directly related to increasing farmer depression, suicides, baby killings and much, much more.

Yes we do see the same government boasting “We have built some of the best medical facilities to keep premature babies alive, while in the same breath they legislated the right for women to kill babies up to delivery. No wonder the New Testament warns us not to be double minded. The Creator Christ hates hypocrisy.
Surprisingly theologians have much to do with this because so many have bowed the knee to the world ignoring the fact that science is a mechanism that works well in the present, but any ideas it has about the past are way out of its league ... guesswork – not real science. The past is history and for it to be validated we need witnesses who were there, not the opinions of clever scientists who were not.

You’re right it is humiliating for scientists and politicians and theologians to have to admit this, yet it’s the truth. Yes it does make us unpopular to push that we all need to eat humble pie in the face of history past, or we will all have it shoved down our throat by history future - even to the Judgement day. And how much worse are the double standards of a Jewish Museum promoting the Evolution Man ... so read on.

Thanks from all of us here for financially supporting what we do to enable us to research and take such stands. Now enjoy Evidence News 02/19, from the Creation Guy, John Mackay, and Senior Editor, Dr Diane Eager and material from the Creation Research team worldwide.
