Thursday, February 21, 2019

Roger Waters on Richard Branson.

Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters ripped Virgin Group CEO Richard Branson’s Venezuela ‘Aid Live’ show, as he accused the benefit concert of politicizing humanitarian aid and demanded the country be allowed “self-determination.”
Mr Branson.
“[The concert] it has nothing to do with the needs of the Venezuelan people, it has nothing to do with Democracy, it has nothing to do with freedom, and it has nothing to do aid,” Waters said in a video shared on social media. “It has to do with Richard Branson — and I’m not surprised by this — having bought the U.S. saying, ‘We have decided to take over Venezuela, for whatever our reasons may be.’”
“Do we really want Venezuela to turn in to another Iraq or Syria or Libya?” He added. “I don’t and neither do the Venezuelan people.”
Waters also noted on Twitter that “the Red Cross and the UN, unequivocally agree, don’t politicize aid. Leave the Venezuelan people alone to exercise their legal right to self determination.” Media-ite.
