Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Ignatius Theophors: Letters Stuff The Arguments of: Unitarians, Assorted Cults and Many In The Liberal Church!

 Ignatius Theophors was an early Christian writer, who was a church leader in the city of Antakya in southern Turkey.
 During his life, he is said to have encountered the Messiah and went on to write several letters about his experiences to churches across the nation. However, historians who uncovered the notes were left stunned when they did not refer to him as the son of God. 

Larry Hurtado, from Edinburgh University, revealed what he uncovered during Amazon Prime’s “Son of God?” series.
He said in 2015: “Ignatius is writing in the early part of the 2nd century, somewhere between 110 and 115AD. 
“We have seven authentic letters of Ignatius that survived. Larry Hurtado
Larry Hurtado revealed the findings (Image: AMAZON PRIME)
This is a belief that is relatively uncontroversial for him and the churches he is writing to
Larry Hurtado
Mr Hurtado went on to reveal how the letters claimed Jesus was actually God.
He added: “One letter was to Smyrna, one to Ephesus, one to Trallians, one to Rome and so on.
“What is interesting about his letters is that he does use these exalted references to Jesus referring to him as ‘my God’ or ‘our God’.
“This is a belief that is relatively uncontroversial for him and the churches he is writing to.”
Presenter of the documentary Luke Waldock went on to explain the significance in the discovery. He revealed: “‘Jesus my God’ – this is not a discussion as to whether Jesus could be God or a man like God. 
“Ignatius states it clearly and knows his readers will agree with him. 
“Jesus - my God, Jesus – our God.
“When we look at the practices of the early church we find the same attitudes to Jesus.
“Early Christians were baptised in the name of Jesus and they prayed in the name of Jesus too.”
According to the official Catechism of the Catholic Church: “Jesus means in Hebrew: ‘God saves.’
“At the annunciation, the angel Gabriel gave him the name Jesus as his proper name, which expresses both his identity and his mission.
“Since God alone can forgive sins, it is God who, in Jesus his eternal Son made man, "will save his people from their sins”.
“In Jesus, God recapitulates all of his history of salvation on behalf of men.”

Blogger - GOD THE SON!

