Saturday, March 23, 2019

Letter Received By Melanie Phillips.

Thank you so much for your voice of reason. There is now only a very small number of people with the ability and opportunity to express in the wider media what so many of us feel. You are certainly one of them. The disconnect between those in government and those that voted them into government is starting to cause absolute fury from where I am standing — among the dog walkers, people on the checkout, meter readers, the man replacing my tyre etc. We have all started to talk to each other in a way that I have never experienced before. We have no other option. We make a slight comment to test the water and if that is positive it all comes pouring out. The anger is widespread and it is deep.
As far as I am concerned, a very clever game has been unfolding such that what those in the media now refer to as Brexit (i.e. the Withdrawal Agreement) is actually the Remain of the voting paper and what they refer to as No Deal is actually what 17.4 million of us actively and knowingly voted for as Leave. That the two main groups are now divided by a common language makes it almost impossible to follow the Brexit debate since those doing the talking (the elites, for want of a better word) and the listening (those considered too plebeian to have a valid say) are communicating at cross purposes, often unknowingly. I can only assume that this duplicitous situation is the result of careful planning. It would certainly be useful in a binary rerun of the referendum; with option 1 being Mrs May’s Brexit deal and Option 2 being Remain in the EU. Since both options are of course Remain.
I am a law-abiding, tax-paying, indigenous 57-year old, married with two children. I have never ever been as cross as I am at the moment about what is being said and done by my traitorous government and about my inability to do anything about it. I close my ears when I hear that I didn’t know what I voted for or when that wretched bus enters the discussion. I knew exactly what I was voting for – sovereignty, and all that comes with it. I voted Leave despite the economic hit I was assured would come our way. For the never-ending discussions to continue to focus on the economy is just one enormous filibuster and for people to plan with glee about how a growing number of MPs will be punished at the next election is also a nonsense. Reinstating sovereignty in the country that I love is so much bigger than that.
