Friday, November 22, 2019

ASBOs - Something To Amuse Hardened Criminals.

ASBOs breached

  • of the 24,323 ASBOs issued between 1 June 2000 to 31 December 2013, 58% (14,157) had been breached at least once; of those breached, 75% (10,651) were breached more than once; if an ASBO is breached, on average it is breached five times
  • in 2013, there were 862 ASBOs breached for the first time, a 3% decrease compared to 2012 and the lowest number of breaches since 2003
  • juveniles have accounted for 42% of ASBOs breached; just over two-thirds of juveniles had breached their ASBOs at least once by the end of 2013, compared to just over half of adults
  • on average, 29% of ASBOs were breached within the year they were issued; on annual basis, this ‘in-year breach rate’ has remained relatively stable since 2009 at around 30%.                                                   
  • Blogger: Hoping to have more up-to-date stats shortly. Incidentally, - every breach was meant to mean CUSTODY. Typical figures are less than one in fifteen! ASBOs are an expensive waste of public money if breaches do not bring instant custody.
