Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Understand What Leftists Mean When They Speak.

'Hate crime' - Spoken truth or bog standard ordinary crime not approved of by socialists. A crime is a crime is a crime. Motivation is interesting but barely relevant.
'Invest' - Socialist redistribution of wealth. Theft made to look respectable. It never means 'invest'.
'Tolerance' - The embracing of immorality and godlessness in a huge variety of forms. It is a concept which only leftists are permitted to have. It may never be used by anyone to the right of centre left. They must have zero entitlement and it is permissible to abuse them. Actual tolerance is an alien belief.
'Social justice'. - Leftist ideology put into action.
'Harmonise' (EU) - Take absolute control.
'Diversity' - Christians may not apply.
'Feminism' - Cherry-picking; hatred of men; special pleading. It has ceased to mean equality.
'Equality' - Replacing inequality with a different form of inequality.
'Termination - a simple procedure' - Convenient butchery of the unborn.
'Multicultural' - A straightforward technique to water down our our own cultural identity. Note how it has almost entirely replaced the very reasonable concept of 'social integration.'
'Free Speech.' A principle which may ONLY be afforded to leftists.
'Democracy.' - The view that: referenda may be ignored; the vox populi must never be allowed to apply; an outmoded process which cannot be permitted to stop the movement towards socialism; may only be accepted if the non-elected liberal-left elite agree.

Leftist vocabulary always needs interpretation - so very often it means something entirely different to what you think it does. Alice in Wonderland would have got this point after the advice she heard.
